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Viguiera stenoloba

Viguiera stenoloba
skeleton-leaf goldeneye; resinbush

Synonym(s) Sidneya tenuifolia
Common name skeleton-leaf goldeneye; resinbush
Family asteraceae
Life cycle perennial
Flowers yellow (summer-fall)
Size 18-36"
Light sun-light shade
Cultural notes requires well-drained soil; drought-tolerant

Forms a mound of fine-textured aromatic leaves, with yellow daisy flowers arriving in summer and continuing through late fall. Evergreen in mild winters. Shear back to maintain compact form. Native to Texas.

Viguiera stenoloba
Early April, getting ready to bloom
skeleton-leaf goldeneye; resinbush
Just planted, October
Viguiera stenoloba
I noticed a few volunteer seedlings near the mother plant in its second spring in our garden
skeleton-leaf goldeneye; resinbush
Coming back strongly, both from base and woody growth, after the Texas megafreeze of 2021

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: left fence border

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Last modified: December 27, 2024
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