The aster family, formerly known as compositae, features plants with flower
heads made up of many tiny flowers arranged in a central disc, with outer petals
giving the overal inflorescence its daisy-like shape. Sunflowers, coneflowers,
goldenrods, and many other wildflowers belong to this family.
Botanical name |
Common name |
Category |
Flowers | Size |
Achillea 'Anblo' |
yarrow | perennial (Z3-8) |
light yellow (late spring-summer) | 18-24" |
Achillea 'Schwellenberg' |
yarrow | perennial (Z3-9) |
yellow (June) | 2-3' |
Achillea filipendulina 'Cloth of Gold' |
fern-leaf yarrow | perennial (Z3-9) |
yellow | 3' |
Achillea millefolium |
yarrow | perennial |
various colors (ours are purple-pink) | 2 ft |
Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl' |
| perennial (Z3-9) |
white (summer) | 16" |
Achillea sibirica var. camtschatica 'Love Parade' |
yarrow | perennial (Z3-9) |
pink (summer) | 2' |
Achillea tomentosa |
woolly yarrow | perennial (Z3-10) |
yellow (summer) | 6-12" |
Ageratum houstonianum 'Leilani Blue' |
floss flower | annual |
blue (summer) | 14-16" |
Agoseris retrorsa |
spearleaf mountain dandelion | perennial |
yellow | 4-20" |
Alfredia cernua |
| perennial |
greenish yellow | to 10' |
Amberboa moschata |
sweet sultan; cornflower | annual |
white | |
Ambrosia artemisiifolia |
common ragweed | annual |
yellow (late summer) | |
Ampelaster carolinianus |
climbing aster | woody perennial (Z6-10) |
lavender | vine to 12' |
Anacyclus pyrethrum |
Mount Atlas daisy | perennial (Z4) |
white (spring) | 3" |
Anaphalis margaritacea |
pearly everlasting | perennial (Z5-8) |
silver-white (August) | 18" |
Andryala agardhii |
| perennial (Z4) |
yellow | to 6" |
Antennaria dioica |
pussy-toes | perennial |
white-pink | 2" |
Antennaria microphylla |
little-leaf pussytoes | perennial (Z3-7) |
| 1-2" |
Antennaria plantaginifolia |
pussytoes; lady's tobacco | perennial (Z3-8) |
pinkish white | 6-12" |
Anthemis cretica |
Cretian mat daisy | perennial (Z5-10) |
white/yellow | 3" |
Arctium lappa |
great burdock | biennial |
pink (summer) | 4-8' |
Arctotis fastuosa |
cape daisy, monarch of the veldt | annual or tender perennial |
silvery white (summer) | 18-24" |
Argyranthemum frutescens |
marguerite daisy | tender perennial (Z10-11) |
various colors | 24-36" |
Arnica latifolia |
broad-leaved arnica | perennial |
yellow (summer) | to 24" |
Arnica mollis |
hairy arnica | perennial (Z5-10) |
yellow (summer) | 8-24" |
Arnica montana |
wolf's bane; mountain arnica | perennial (Z5-8) |
yellow (summer) | 20" |
Artemisia 'Parfum d'Ethiopia' |
wormwood | perennial |
insignificant (summer) | 18-24" |
Artemisia 'Powis Castle' |
| perennial (Z5-9) |
yellow | 24-36" |
Artemisia annua |
sweet Annie | annual |
greenish | 4-6' |
Artemisia lactiflora 'Guizhou' |
white mugwort | perennial (Z3-8) |
white (August-September) | 6' |
Artemisia mauiensis 'Makana Silver' |
| perennial (Z9-11) |
| 24" |
Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound' |
wormwood | perennial (Z3-10) |
insignificant | 10" |
Artemisia stelleriana |
beach wormwood; dusty miller | perennial (Z4-8) |
| 4" |
Artemisia vulgaris |
mugwort | perennial |
I don't let it | 3' or taller |
Aster alpinus |
alpine aster | perennial (Z2-9) |
pink (late spring-summer) | 6-12" |
Aster amellus |
Italian aster | perennial (Z5-8) |
violet/yellow (summer) | 12-24" |
Aster asteroides ssp. costei |
| perennial |
violet/pink | |
Aster diplostephioides |
| perennial |
purple (late summer) | 18" |
Aster frikartii |
Frikart's aster | perennial (Z5) |
blue (summer) | 2-3' |
Aster tataricus 'Jin-Dai' |
Tatarian aster | perennial (Z4-8) |
purple/yellow (autumn) | 3-4' |
Athrixia fontana |
| tender perennial (Z8) |
white/yellow | 6" |
Baccharis halimifolia |
groundsel tree; salt marsh elder | shrub (Z5-10) |
white (late summer-fall) | to 15' |
Bellis perennis |
English daisy | perennial |
white-pink-red | 8" |
Berkheya purpurea |
| perennial (Z8-10) |
purple (late summer) | |
Berlandiera lyrata |
chocolate-scented daisy | perennial (Z5-11) |
yellow (summer) | 18" |
Berlandiera texana |
green eyes | perennial (Z6-8) |
yellow | 18-36" |
Bidens ferulifolia |
Apache beggarticks | annual/tender perennial |
yellow (summer-fall) | 12-24" |
Cacalia delphiniifolia |
| perennial |
white | 40" |
Calendula officinalis |
pot marigold | annual |
orange (summer) | 2' |
Callistephus chinensis |
China aster | annual |
various | 2' |
Carlina acaulis |
silver thistle | perennial |
silver-white (summer) | 6" |
Carlina corymbosa |
| perennial |
yellow | 8-16" |
Catananche caerulea |
Cupid's dart | perennial (Z4-9) |
blue (summer) | 18-24" |
Centaurea cyanus |
bachelor's button; cornflower | annual |
blue, white (summer) | 3-4' |
Centaurea gymnocarpa |
purple bush dusty miller | perennial (Z8) |
purple (spring-summer) | 3-4' |
Centaurea montana |
mountain bluet | perennial (Z3-8) |
purple-blue (spring-summer) | 1-2' |
Centaurea nigra |
knapweed | perennial |
purple (summer) | 2-3' |
Centaurea stoebe ssp. stoebe |
spotted knapweed | biennial/perennial |
lavender (summer) | to 4' |
Centratherum punctatum |
Brazilian buttons | tender perennial (Z8-11) |
blue (late spring-summer) | 24" |
Chamaemelum nobile |
Roman chamomile | perennial |
yellow/white | 3" |
Chrysactinia mexicana |
damianita | tender perennial (Z8-11) |
yellow (late spring-summer) | 12-24" |
Chrysanthemum hybrids |
garden mum | perennial |
various (fall) | 2' |
Chrysanthemum koreanum 'Sheffield' |
pink daisy mum | perennial (Z5-9) |
pale pink/yellow (fall) | 2-3' |
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum |
ox-eye daisy | perennial |
white/yellow (spring) | 2-3' |
Chrysanthemum weyrichii |
| perennial |
white (fall) | 10-12" |
Cichorium intybus |
common chicory | |
blue (July) | 2-3' |
Cirsium arvense |
Canada thistle | perennial |
purple | |
Cirsium japonicum 'White Frosted' |
japanese thistle | perennial (Z5-9) |
purple-pink (fall) | 3' |
Cirsium occidentale |
cobweb thistle | biennial or perennial (Z7-10) |
red | 36" |
Cirsium vulgare |
bull thistle | biennial |
purple-pink (summer) | 3' |
Conoclinium coelestinum |
hardy ageratum; mistflower | perennial (Z4-11) |
blue (late summer-fall) | 2' |
Conyza canadensis |
horseweed | annual |
white | to 6' |
Coreopsis 'Tequila Sunrise' |
hybrid tickseed | perennial (Z6-9) |
yellow (summer-fall) | 14-16" |
Coreopsis auriculata 'Zamphir' |
ear-leaved tickseed | perennial (Z4-9) |
yellow (late spring-summer) | 12-18" |
Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' |
bigflower tickseed | perennial (Z4-9) |
yellow (late spring) | 18-24" |
Coreopsis hybrids |
tickseed | perennial |
various colors (summer) | 2' |
Coreopsis lanceolata |
lance-leaf tickseed | perennial (Z4-9) |
yellow | 12-24" |
Coreopsis rosea |
tickseed | perennial (Z4-8) |
pink/yellow (summer) | 18-24" |
Coreopsis tinctoria |
plains coreopsis; calliopsis | annual |
yellow-red-brown (summer) | 1-3' |
Coreopsis tripteris |
tickseed | perennial |
yellow (July-September) | 6 ft |
Coreopsis verticillata 'Broad Street' |
thread-leaf tickseed | perennial (Z5-8) |
red-orange (late spring-summer) | 12-18" |
Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' |
laceleaf coreopsis | perennial |
yellow (summer) | 18" |
Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' |
threadleaf coreopsis; whorled coreopsis | perennial (Z3-9) |
yellow (summer) | 12-18" |
Cosmos bipinnatus |
| annual |
| |
Cosmos sulphureus |
yellow cosmos | annual |
yellow-orange (summer) | 30" |
Cotula 'Tiffindell Gold' |
creeping gold buttons | perennial (Z5-10) |
yellow (summer) | 4" |
Cotula hispida |
| perennial |
yellow (late spring) | 6" |
Dahlia 'Jazz' and 'Bishop of Llandaff' |
| tender perennial |
deep pink-red (summer) | 2' |
Dahlia merckii |
| perennial (Z7b-11) |
purple-pink (summer) | 36" |
Dimorphotheca cuneata |
rainflower | perennial (Z8) |
white (early spring) | to 4' |
Dimorphotheca pluvialis |
rain daisy; cape daisy | annual |
white | 9-12" |
Doronicum hungaricum |
| perennial |
yellow (mid Spring) | 18" |
Doronicum orientale |
caucasian leopard's bane | perennial (Z5) |
yellow (spring) | 20" |
Echinacea pallida |
pale purple coneflower | perennial |
pink - pale purple | 36" |
Echinacea paradoxa |
yellow coneflower | perennial |
yellow (summer) | 2-3' |
Echinacea purpurea |
purple coneflower | perennial |
purple | 3-4 ft |
Echinacea simulata |
wavy-leaf purple coneflower | perennial |
pale pink (June-July) | 2-3' |
Echinacea tennesseensis |
Tennessee coneflower | perennial (Z5-9) |
purple (summer) | 2' tall, 18" wide |
Elephantopus carolinianus |
elephant's foot | perennial (Z4-9) |
pale blue (late summer) | 12-24" |
Encelia californica |
coast sunflower, California brittlebush | perennial (Z9-10) |
yellow (spring) | 3-5' |
Erechtites hieraciifolius |
pilewort; American fireweed | annual |
white | |
Erigeron annuus |
Eastern daisy fleabane | annual |
white/yellow (summer) | 3-5' |
Erigeron compositus 'Red Desert' |
cutleaf daisy; fernleaf fleabane | perennial (Z3-8) |
white/yellow | 4-10" |
Erigeron elegantulus |
blue dwarf fleabane; volcanic daisy | perennial |
blue-pink/yellow | 2-6" |
Erigeron karvinskianus |
Mexican daisy | perennial? (Z6-9) |
white (spring) | 12" |
Erigeron leiomerus |
rockslide daisy | perennial |
white (summer) | 4" |
Erigeron philadelphicus |
common fleabane | biennial |
pink (spring) | |
Erigeron speciosus 'Azure Fairy' |
fleabane | perennial (Z3-8) |
lavender-blue (June) | 2-3' |
Erigeron ursinus |
fleabane | perennial |
pink-purple (summer) | 4-8" |
Erigeron vetensis |
| perennial |
pale pink | |
Eriophyllum lanatum |
woolly sunflower, Oregon sunshine | perennial (Z5-10) |
yellow (summer) | 4-18" |
Eupatorium capillifolium |
dog fennel | perennial (Z5-9) |
white (summer-fall) | 3-6' |
Eupatorium maculatum 'Purple bush' |
spotted Joe-Pye weed | perennial (Z4-8) |
purple (mid-late summer) | 2-4' |
Eupatorium purpureum |
joe pye weed | perennial (Z4-9) |
mauve (late summer) | 6' |
Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate' |
white snakeroot | perennial (Z4-8) |
white (late summer-fall) | 3-5' |
Felicia fruticosa |
shrub aster | perennial (Z9) |
purple (spring) | 24-36" |
Gaillardia aestivalis |
lance-leaf blanketflower | perennial (Z5-10) |
yellow (summer) | 12-18" |
Gaillardia grandiflora |
blanketflower | perennial |
warm colors, summer | 2-3' |
Gaillardia pulchella |
rose-ring blanketflower | annual/short-lived perennial ( |
red/yellow (summer) | 12-24" |
Galinsoga quadriradiata |
shaggy soldier; hairy galinsoga | annual |
white/yellow | |
Gazania hybrids |
Gazania | tender perennial |
various colors (summer) | 6" |
Gazania krebsiana |
| perennial (Z6-9) |
orange | 4-6" |
Gazania linearis |
treasure flower | perennial (Z5-8) |
yellow (early summer) | 6" |
Gerbera jamesonii |
gerbera daisy; Transvaal daisy | tender perennial (Z8-10) |
various colors | 16" |
Gynura aurantiaca |
| perennial (Z9-10) |
yellow | vine to 9' |
Gynura bicolor |
Okinawan spinach | perennial (Z8-10) |
yellow-orange (early fall) | 40" |
Helenium autumnale |
Helen's flower, sneezeweed | perennial |
yellow/orange/red (summer-fall) | 4-5' |
Helenium puberulum 'Autumn Lollipop' |
| perennial (Z4-8) |
yellow-orange (summer) | 36" |
Helianthus angustifolius 'First Light' |
swamp sunflower; narrow-leaf sunflower | perennial (Z5-9) |
yellow (Sep) | 4' |
Helianthus annuus |
sunflower | annual |
yellow (summer) | 6' and taller |
Helianthus debilis ssp. cucumerifolius |
beach sunflower; cucumber-leaved sunflower | tender perennial (Z8-11) |
yellow | 3-4' |
Helianthus divaricatus |
woodland sunflower | perennial (Z3-8) |
yellow | 2-6' |
Helianthus maximilianii |
Maximillian sunflower | perennial |
yellow, late summer into fall | 7 ft |
Helichrysum amorginum |
| perennial |
pink/yellow | |
Heliopsis helianthoides |
false sunflower | perennial |
yellow (summer) | 5 ft |
Heterotheca pumila |
alpine false goldenaster | perennial |
yellow (summer) | 4-6" |
Heterotheca subaxillaris |
camphorweed | annual |
yellow (summer-fall) | to 5' |
Hieracium aurantiacum |
hawkweed | perennial |
orange (late spring) | 18" |
Hieracium maculatum |
spotted hawkweed | perennial (Z5-9) |
yellow (summer) | 12" |
Hymenoxys hoopesii |
orange sneezeweed | perennial (Z3-8) |
yellow (late spring) | 3-4' |
Inula sp. |
elecampane | perennial (Z5-8) |
yellow (late spring-summer) | 12-18" |
Kalimeris incisa |
cutleaf Japanese aster | perennial |
light blue (June) | 2' |
Kalimeris pinnatifida |
Japanese aster | perennial (Z6-9) |
white (mid-late summer) | 2-3' |
Kalimeris yomena 'Geisha' |
Japanese aster | perennial (Z4-9) |
lavender daisies | 16" |
Lactuca canadensis |
wild lettuce | annual |
yellow | |
Lactuca serriola |
prickly lettuce | annual/biennial |
yellow | 1-4' |
Layia calliglossa |
tidy tips | annual |
yellow/white | |
Layia platyglossa |
tidytips | annual |
yellow/white | 14-18" |
Leibnitzia anandria |
Leibnitz daisy | perennial |
white (late spring and early fall) | 1' tall, 6" wide |
Leontopodium palibinianum |
| perennial? |
white (summer) | 12-16" |
Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black' |
brass buttons; dollhouse fern | perennial (Z4) |
white | 6" |
Leucanthemum x superbum 'Becky' |
Shasta daisy | perennial |
yellow/white | 3-4' |
Liatris acidota |
sharp blazing star | perennial |
purple-pink (summer-fall) | 3-4' |
Liatris borealis |
New England blazing star | perennial (Z5-8) |
purple (late summer) | 24-36" |
Liatris ligulistylis |
meadow blazing star | perennial |
purple (Aug-Sep) | 3-5' |
Liatris microcephala |
dwarf blazing star | perennial (Z4-7) |
violet (late summer) | 18-24" |
Liatris pycnostachya |
button snakeroot; prairie blazing star | perennial (Z4) |
purple (July-Aug) | 3-5' |
Liatris scariosa |
plains blazing star | perennial (Z3-8) |
pink-purple (summer) | 2-4' |
Liatris spicata |
blazing star; gayfeather | perennial bulb |
purple, mid-late summer | 3 ft |
Ligularia calthifolia |
| perennial |
yellow | |
Ligularia dentata |
golden groundsel, leopard plant | perennial (Z3) |
orange-yellow (summer) | 3' |
Ligularia fischeri |
| perennial (Z5) |
yellow (late summer) | 5' |
Ligularia japonica |
| perennial (Z4-7) |
orange | 4' |
Ligularia przewalskii |
| perennial (Z3) |
yellow (summer) | 4' |
Ligularia sibirica |
| perennial (Z3-10) |
yellow (summer) | 4' |
Ligularia stenocephala 'The Rocket' |
narrow-leaf ligularia | perennial (Z4-8) |
yellow (late summer-fall) | 4-6' |
Ligularia veitchiana |
| perennial |
yellow | |
Ligularia vorobievii |
| perennial |
orange-yellow (mid-late summer) | 3-4' |
Marshallia caespitosa |
Barbara's buttons | annual |
| |
Melampodium leucanthum |
blackfoot daisy | perennial (Z4-9) |
white/yellow | 8-12" |
Melampodium paludosum 'Million Gold' |
gold medallion flower; African zinnia | annual |
yellow (summer) | 12" |
Mikania scandens |
climbing hempweed | perennial |
white (late spring) | vine |
Mutisia ilicifolia |
Chilean climbing gazania | tender perennial |
pink/yellow | vine to 10' |
Oncosiphon suffruticosum |
Calomba daisy | annual |
yellow | 20" |
Othonna capensis |
hardy yellow iceplant; little pickles | perennial (Z5-10) |
yellow (summer) | 3-6" |
Packera glabella |
butterweed, cress-leaf groundsel | annual |
yellow (spring) | to 20" |
Pericallis 'Senetti Magenta Bicolor' |
florist's cineraria | perennial (Z9-11) |
various colors, including bicolors | 15-24" |
Pityopsis falcata |
sickle-leaf golden-aster | |
yellow (late summer) | 8-15" |
Porophyllum ruderale |
papaloquelite; yerba porosa; summer cilantro | annual |
yellow (late summer-fall) | 3-5' |
Psephellus pulcherrimus |
| |
purple-pink | 4-16" |
Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides |
Mexican flame vine | perennial (Z8b-11) |
orange | vine to 10' |
Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus |
Texas dandelion | annual |
yellow (February-June) | |
Ratibida columnifera |
prairie coneflower; Mexican hat | perennial (Z3-10) |
yellow (summer) | 24-32" |
Ratibida columnifera f. pulcherrima |
showy grey-head prairie coneflower | perennial (Z3-8) |
yellow (summer into fall) | 2-3' |
Rhaponticum coniferum |
| |
purple (late spring-summer) | 6-12" |
Rhodanthemum hosmariense |
Moroccan daisy | perennial (Z8-9) |
white (spring and autumn) | 12-14" |
Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' |
black-eyed susan | perennial |
yellow/black (summer) | |
Rudbeckia hirta |
gloriosa daisy; black-eyed susan | perennial (Z3-10) |
yellow-orange-burgundy | 2' |
Rudbeckia laciniata |
cutleaf coneflower; tall coneflower | perennial (Z3-9) |
yellow (late summer) | 2-9' |
Rudbeckia laciniata 'Goldquelle' |
golden glow coneflower | perennial (Z3-9) |
yellow (summer) | 3' |
Rudbeckia maxima |
giant coneflower | perennial |
yellow (early summer) | 6' |
Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Little Henry' |
sweet coneflower | perennial (Z4-9) |
yellow (summer-fall) | 30-36" |
Rudbeckia triloba |
brown-eyed susan | biennial |
yellow/brown (late summer-fall) | 3-4' |
Rumex crispus |
curly dock | perennial |
greenish yellow (late spring) | |
Santolina chamaecyparissus |
lavender cotton | perennial (Z6-9) |
yellow (summer) | 12-24" |
Sanvitalia procumbens |
creeping zinnia | annual |
yellow daisies (all season) | 8" |
Saussurea nepalensis |
| perennial |
purple | |
Scorzonera suberosa ssp. cariensis |
| perennial |
purple (summer) | 2-8" |
Senecio candicans 'Angel Wings' |
| perennial (Z8-11) |
| 8-16" |
Senecio crassissimus |
vertical-leaf senecio | perennial (Z9b) |
yellow (summer) | 18-24" |
Senecio mandraliscae |
blue chalk sticks | tender perennial (Z9-11) |
white (spring) | 12" |
Senecio polyodon |
pink groundsel | perennial |
purple-pink (summer) | |
Senecio vitalis |
narrow-leaf chalk sticks | perennial (Z9-11) |
| |
Senecio vulgaris |
common groundsel | annual |
yellow | |
Serratula seoanei |
| perennial (Z7-10) |
pink (fall) | 18-24" |
Silphium laciniatum |
compass plant | perennial |
yellow (summer) | 6-8 ft |
Silphium perfoliatum |
cup plant | perennial |
yellow (summer) | 6 ft |
Silphium terebinthinaceum |
prairie dock | perennial |
yellow? | |
Silybum marianum |
Mary's thistle, milk thistle | biennial |
see below | foliage to 12", flowers to 24" |
Solidago altissima |
tall goldenrod | perennial |
yellow | 2-4' |
Solidago canadensis |
Canada goldenrod | perennial |
yellow July-Sept | 4-5' |
Solidago odora |
sweet goldenrod | perennial (Z4-9) |
yellow (late summer) | 2-4' |
Solidago species |
goldenrod | perennial |
yellow | |
Solidago virgaurea 'Peter Pan' |
goldenrod | perennial |
yellow (late summer) | 18" |
Sonchus asper |
annual sowthistle | annual |
yellow | 12-24" |
Sonchus oleraceus |
common sowthistle | annual |
yellow | |
Sphagneticola trilobata |
wedelia; Singapore daisy | perennial (Z9-11) |
yellow | 12" |
Stenotus acaulis |
stemless golden weed | perennial |
yellow (summer) | 6" |
Stokesia laevis |
Stokes' aster, cornflower aster | perennial (Z5-9) |
blue-purple (summer) | 18" |
Symphyotrichum ericoides f. prostratum 'Snow Flurry' |
heath aster | perennial |
white (September) | 4-6" |
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'Lady in Black' |
Michaelmas daisy | perennial (Z5-9) |
white/pink (Sept-Oct) | 4' |
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' |
New England aster | perennial |
purple (late summer) | 2' |
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii 'Wood's Pink' and 'Wood's Purple' |
New York aster | perennial |
pink/yellow, purple (fall) | 12-16" |
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense |
skyblue aster | perennial (Z4-8) |
blue (September-October) | 2-4' |
Symphyotrichum pilosum |
frost aster | perennial |
white/yellow (summer) | 1-4' |
Symphyotrichum sp. |
| perennial |
| 6' |
Syneilesis aconitifolia |
shredded umbrella plant | perennial (Z5-8) |
white - pink | 18" |
Syneilesis palmata |
palmate umbrella plant | perennial (Z5-8) |
white (summer) | 15" |
Tagetes |
marigold | annual |
orange/yellow (summer) | 6" |
Tagetes lemmonii |
copper canyon daisy; Lemmon's marigold | perennial (Z8-11) |
yellow (fall) | 36" |
Tanacetum balsamita |
costmary | perennial |
yellow (summer) | 18" |
Tanacetum coccineum |
painted daisy | perennial |
pink-red with yellow eye (May-June) | 24" |
Tanacetum parthenium 'Aureum' |
golden feverfew | perennial |
yellow/white | 1 ft |
Tanacetum vulgare |
tansy | perennial herb |
yellow | 3-5 ft |
Taraxacum officinale |
dandelion | perennial |
yellow | 4" (to 12" in bloom) |
Telekia speciosa |
ox-eye daisy | perennial (Z3-7) |
yellow (summer) | 4-6' |
Thelesperma burridgeanum |
Burridge's greenthread | annual |
gold/brown (summer) | 18" |
Thymophylla tenuiloba |
Dahlberg daisy | annual |
yellow (summer) | 6" |
Tithonia rotundifolia |
Mexican sunflower | annual |
orange | 4 ft |
Townsendia eximia |
Townsend daisy | ? |
white-pink (summer) | 6" |
Townsendia parryi |
Parry's townsendia | perennial |
purple-blue (late spring) | 6-12" |
Townsendia rothrockii |
| perennial? |
white or pink/yellow (summer) | 2" |
Tragopogon dubius |
yellow goatsbeard; yellow salsify | annual/biennial |
yellow (June-Aug) | 24-30" |
Tragopogon porrifolius |
purple salsify | biennial |
lavender (May) | |
Tussilago farfara |
coltsfoot | perennial (Z4-6) |
yellow (spring) | 6-12" |
Urospermum dalechampii |
smooth golden fleece | biennial/perennial |
yellow | 12-16" |
Ursinia anethoides |
| annual |
yellow/burgundy (summer) | 12" |
Ursinia nana |
| annual |
yellow | 6-18" |
Verbesina alternifolia |
wingstem | perennial |
yellow (Aug-Oct) | to 12' |
Vernonia baldwinii |
western ironweed | perennial (Z5-9) |
purple-pink (late summer) | 3-4' |
Vernonia glauca |
upland ironweed | perennial |
purple (late summer-fall) | |
Vernonia lettermannii |
ironweed | perennial (Z4-9) |
purple (August-September) | 24" |
Vernonia noveboracensis |
New York ironweed | perennial |
purple (late summer-fall) | 6' |
Viguiera stenoloba |
skeleton-leaf goldeneye; resinbush | perennial |
yellow (summer-fall) | 18-36" |
Xanthisma coloradoense |
| perennial? |
pink | 2-6" |
Xanthisma spinulosum |
| perennial |
yellow | |
Xanthisma texanum |
sleepy daisy | annual |
yellow (summer) | 2-3' |
Xerochrysum bracteatum |
strawflower | annual |
| |
Xerochrysum papillosum |
white everlasting | perennial |
white | 30" |
Zinnia acerosa |
desert zinnia | tender perennial (Z9-10) |
| |
Zinnia elegans 'Candy Cane' |
zinnia | annual |
| |
Zinnia grandiflora |
prairie zinnia | perennial (Z4-9) |
yellow (summer-fall) | 6" |