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Rudbeckia triloba

Rudbeckia triloba

Common name brown-eyed susan
Family asteraceae
Life cycle biennial
Flowers yellow/brown (late summer-fall)
Size 3-4'
Light sun
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil
From seed Give about six weeks cold, then move to room temperature for more germination.
detailed seed-starting info below
Seed ripensmid-October

Masses of yellow daisies with brown centers make this a late-season garden standout. We bought it last year as a perennial, but learned later that it usually behaves as a biennial. I'm not sure if the plant pictured was a returning remnant of the original plant, or a quick-to-bloom seedling. Either way, we hope to establish a permanent stand in our garden.

brown-eyed susan
The leaf way at the bottom shows the reason for the species name - the basal leaves have three lobes
Rudbeckia triloba
Another year, a big crop of seedlings - color explosion!

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed for 'Prairie Glow' from '09 trade. Baggy 35F (36%G, 4-6w) - 70F (34%G, 3-7d)

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Last modified: February 14, 2010
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