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Penstemon hirsutus

Penstemon hirsutus
hairy penstemon
Common name hairy penstemon
Family plantaginaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z4-9)
Flowers lavender/white (May-June)
Size 12"
Light sun-part shade
Seed ripenslate July

The upright, regular species version of P. hirsutus var. pygmaeus. We grew the dwarf one well before establishing this plant by accident, from seed labeled as Penstemon cardwellii in a society exchange. I like it a lot - it has a very fresh look with its slender, slightly serrated apple-green leaves on sturdy burgundy stems. In late May they are topped by clusters of lavender flowers, which are pinched at the tips where the white insides show. As the common name suggests, all parts of the plant are slightly fuzzy when you look closely, but it's not all that obvious from a typical viewing distance

Penstemon hirsutus
hairy penstemon

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

Seed for this plant is included on my seed trade list

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from HPS/MAG '08/'09 exchange. Baggy 35F (51%G, 8-14w)
  2. Same seed as above. Baggy 35F (28%G, 11-18w)
  3. Seed from '10 garden (Rock Garden strain). Baggy 70F with light (46%G, 7-10d)
  4. Seed from '11 garden. Baggy 70F with light (good G, 4-7d). Seedlings potted up before leaf unfurlment did not develop; seedlings left too long after leaves unfurled deteriorated rapidly. Sweet spot was about 7d after sowing.

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Last modified: January 22, 2012
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