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Seed-starting details

The list below shows all the plants for which I've included seed-starting information. I'll be adding more as I have time and I gain experience (ongoing!). You can click on the botanical name of any plant to get to the plant information page, which includes the germination information (as well as pictures, links to web resources, etc.) Click on any of the first three column headings to order the list according to that column.

For some plants, I have more detailed information about actual seed-starting trials, often for multiple years, with notes on seed viability with age, etc. These plants have a check-mark in the "Details" column.

For help interpreting the information in the plant portraits, see the seed-starting info page.

Botanical name Common name Category Details
Tulipa sylvestris perennial bulb (Z5-9)
Phlomis samia perennial
Asyneuma limonifolium perennial
Codonopsis vinciflora perennial
Adenophora subulata perennial
Potentilla porphyrantha perennial
Alyssum stribrnyi perennial (Z7)
Ligularia calthifolia perennial
Rheum moorcroftianum
Anticlea elegans perennial
Freesia leichtlinii perennial (Z9-11)
Dierama erectum perennial bulb (Z9-11)
Bukiniczia cabulica biennial (Z5-9)
Erigeron vetensis perennial
Delphinium pylzowii perennial
Thlaspi kerneri
Draba sakuraii perennial
Albuca osmynella perennial
Dahlia 'Jazz' and 'Bishop of Llandaff' tender perennial
Lychnis kiusiana perennial
Delphinium cashmerianum perennial
Watsonia vanderspuyae perennial (Z9-11)
Campanula raineri perennial
Roscoea auriculata perennial (Z7-9)
Draba athoa perennial
Polemonium pauciflorum perennial (Z3-7)
Bergeranthus vespertinus perennial (Z7)
Rhaponticum coniferum
Lutzia cretica perennial
Onosma sorgerae ssp. sorgerae
Townsendia rothrockii perennial?
Nothoscordum andinum perennial (tender?)
Albuca shawii perennial (Z7-11)
Dianthus japonicus biennial?
Silene keiskei perennial
Lilium lankongense perennial
Campanula anomala perennial
Sedum ewersii perennial (Z5-9)
Campanula rhomboidalis perennial
Campanula sarmatica perennial
Salvia stenophylla
Astilboides tabularis perennial (Z4-7)
Salvia leucantha tender perennial (Z8-11)
Petrocoptis pyrenaica ssp. glaucifolia perennial
Agave x parryantha perennial (Z8-10)
Albuca 'Dwarf Hardy' perennial
Arisaema erubescens perennial (Z6-9)
Ballota hispanica
Geissorhiza erosa perennial
Cotula hispida perennial
Asyneuma virgatum perennial
Salvia napifolia perennial (Z6-10)
Incarvillea olgae perennial (Z6)
Crocosmia aurea perennial (Z?)
Tigridia vanhouttei perennial
Boenninghausenia albiflora shrub (Z7)
Aloe cryptopoda perennial (Z9-10)
Veronica bellidioides
Gypsophila tenuifolia perennial
Pontechium maculatum biennial/perennial
Hesperoxiphion peruvianum perennial
Pelargonium aridum perennial (Z11)
Primula poissonii perennial
Ligularia japonica perennial (Z4-7)
Nicotiana glutinosa tender perennial (Z9-11)
Chrysanthemum weyrichii perennial
Codonopsis mollis perennial (Z7?)
Ursinia nana annual
Scutellaria hypericifolia perennial
Lychnis ajanensis perennial
Berkheya purpurea perennial (Z8-10)
Campanula zangezura perennial (Z5-9)
Daphne retusa shrub (Z6-9)
Freesia alba perennial (Z8b-10)
Melittis melissophyllum 'Royal Velvet Distinction' perennial (Z5-9)
Ligularia veitchiana perennial
Puya mirabilis perennial (Z9-11)
Clematis integrifolia shrub (Z3-7)
Edraianthus parnassicus perennial
Aethionema thomasianum perennial
Cyananthus microphyllus perennial
Gazania krebsiana perennial (Z6-9)
Cyclamen coum perennial (Z6-9)
Dianthus x roysii perennial
Incarvillea younghusbandii
Lysimachia minoricensis perennial?
Astragalus angustifolius perennial/shrub
Dianthus giganteus perennial
Petrocallis pyrenaica perennial
Dipcadi viride tender perennial
Geranium bohemicum annual
Primula capitata v. mooreana perennial (Z5)
Gladiolus dalenii perennial
Allium vineale 'Hair' perennial
Manfreda undulata 'Cherry Chocolate Chip' perennial (Z7b-9)
Allium daghestanicum perennial
Periploca laevigata
Dipcadi serotinum perennial
Geranium argenteum perennial
Symphyandra pendula perennial (Z6-9)
Agave univittata perennial
Campanula rigidipila perennial
Viola jooi perennial (Z5-10)
Salvia jurisicii perennial (Z6-9)
Papaver alboroseum perennial
Oenothera versicolor 'Sunset Boulevard' perennial (Z4-10)
Petunia exserta tender perennial (Z9b-11)
Papaver lisae
Hesperantha huttonii perennial (Z7)
Eritrichium sibiricum
Hosta tardiflora perennial (Z4-9)
Ligularia fischeri perennial (Z5)
Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White' perennial (Z5)
Dicentra torulosa annual vine
Primula beesiana perennial
Raffenaldia primuloides perennial (Z6)
Chaenorhinum villosum perennial
Alyssum oxycarpum perennial
Montiopsis umbellata perennial (Z7)
Veronica pinnata 'Blue Feathers' perennial (Z3)
Phyteuma vagneri perennial
Allium carolinianum perennial
Delphinium likiangense perennial (Z7-9)
Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl' perennial (Z3-9)
Filipendula camtschatica perennial (Z4)
Gloriosa modesta perennial (Z9-11)
Dicranostigma franchetianum 'Aristocrat'
Carlina corymbosa perennial
Salvia indica perennial
Dianthus pinifolius perennial
Rodgersia podophylla perennial (Z3)
Cyclamen cilicium perennial (Z5-8)
Silene pusilla perennial
Acantholimon saxifragiforme perennial
Morina afghanica perennial
Isodon excisus perennial
Serratula seoanei perennial (Z7-10)
Allium macranthum perennial
Pelargonium quercetorum perennial
Agave x pseudoferox 'Bellville' perennial (Z7b-10)
Ursinia anethoides annual
Campanula makaschvilii perennial
Clarkia pulchella annual
Salvia moorcroftiana x indica 'Shangri-La' perennial (Z7b)
Cyclamen hederifolium perennial (Z4)
Lathyrus rotundifolius perennial (Z5-11)
Gaura lindheimeri perennial (Z5-10)
Salvia hians perennial
Peltoboykinia watanabei perennial
Incarvillea sinensis 'Cheron' annual
Draba dedeana perennial
Cyclamen graecum perennial (zone 7, maybe 6)
Agrostemma gracilis annual
Mirabilis viscosa annual
Dianthus turkestanicus perennial
Hesperantha baurii perennial
Scorzonera suberosa ssp. cariensis perennial
Aralia cordata?
Impatiens scabrida annual
Oxypetalum coeruleum tender perennial (Z8-10)
Primula deflexa perennial
Phyteuma charmelii perennial
Symphyotrichum sp. perennial
Freesia laxa 'Joan Evans' perennial (Z8-10)
Globularia nudicaulis perennial
Pasithea caerulea perennial
Silene colorata annual
Lewisia leeana perennial
Draba condensata perennial
Impatiens auricoma 'Jungle Gold' tender perennial
Calceolaria mexicana annual
Wikstroemia trichotoma shrub
Campanula patula biennial/perennial
Chasmatophyllum musculinum perennial (Z9-11)
Campanula collina perennial
Corydalis ophiocarpa perennial (Z5-8)
Prunella hyssopifolia ?
Agave chrysantha perennial (Z7-10)
Acantholimon caryophyllaceum ssp. caryophyllaceum perennial (Z6)
Arenaria 'Blue Cascade' perennial
Salvia transsilvanica perennial (Z4-7)
Albuca humilis perennial bulb (Z9)
Cortusa matthioli subsp. altaica perennial (Z4)
Potentilla argyrophylla perennial
Dierama reynoldsii perennial (Z8-10)
Digitalis fontanesii perennial
Mertensia simplicissima perennial (Z6-8)
Andryala agardhii perennial (Z4)
Agave bracteosa perennial (Z8-10)
Sisymbrium luteum perennial (Z4-8)
Salvia flava var. megalantha perennial
Draba lasiocarpa var. compacta perennial (Z6)
Dianthus knappii perennial
Codonopsis species perennial
Amsonia tomentosa var. stenophylla perennial
Allium humile perennial bulb
Limonium virgatum ssp. dictyocladum perennial
Pterocephalus pinardii perennial
Blumenbachia hieronymi
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora perennial (Z6-9)
Primula frondosa perennial
Ramonda myconi perennial
Rosularia globulariifolia perennial
Coluteocarpus vesicaria perennial
Silene zawadzkii perennial
Freesia grandiflora perennial
Ceratotheca triloba African foxgloveannual
Salvia algeriensis Algerian sageannual
Aster alpinus alpine asterperennial (Z2-9)
Erinus alpinus alpine balsamperennial (Z4-10)
Cortusa matthioli alpine bellsperennial
Lesquerella alpina alpine bladderpodperennial
Silene alpestris alpine campionperennial (Z5-8)
Heterotheca pumila alpine false goldenasterperennial
Thalictrum alpinum alpine meadow rueperennial
Cerastium alpinum ssp. lanatum alpine mouse earsperennial (Z3-9)
Amaranthus hybrids amaranthannual
Amphicarpaea bracteata American hog peanutperennial (Z5)
Phytolacca americana American pokeweed; poke sallatperennial (Z2-11)
Hemerocallis middendorffii Amur daylilyperennial (Z4-8)
Dianthus amurensis 'Siberian Blues' Amur pinkperennial
Bauhinia lunarioides Anacacho orchidtree (Z8-11)
Dianthus anatolicus Anatolian pinkperennial (Z6-10)
Dierama igneum angel's fishing rod, fairy wandsperennial (Z7-10)
Datura angel's trumpetannual/tender perennial
Mirabilis longiflora angel's trumpetsperennial (Z7-10)
Agastache pallidiflora var. neomexicana anise hyssoptender perennial (Z8)
Leonotis nepetifolia annual lion's tailannual
Phlox drummondii 'Phlox of Sheep' annual phloxannual
Bidens ferulifolia Apache beggarticksannual/tender perennial
Fallugia paradoxa apache plumeshrub (Z6-10)
Polemonium carneum apricot jacob's ladderperennial
Habranthus robustus Argentine rain lilyperennial (Z8-10)
Physaria arizonica Arizona bladderpodperennial
Aquilegia desertorum Arizona columbineperennial (Z5-8)
Lychnis x arkwrightii 'Vesuvius' Arkwright's campionperennial/biennial (Z3-10)
Crotalaria sagittalis arrowhead rattlebox
Codonopsis clematidea Asian bellflowerperennial (Z4)
Trollius asiaticus Asian globeflowerperennial
Asparagus officinalis asparagusperennial
Papaver atlanticum 'Semiplenum' Atlas poppyperennial (Z5-9)
Malva preissiana Australian hollyhock
Salvia greggii autumn sageperennial (Z7-10)
Acis autumnalis autumn snowflakeperennial bulb (Z6-9)
Prospero autumnale autumn squillperennial (Z5-8)
Geum chiloense avensperennial
Geum ponticum avensperennial
Salvia azurea azure sageperennial (Z5-9)
Sedum caeruleum azure stonecropannual
Babiana tubulosa baboonflowerperennial
Nemophila menziesii 'Penny Black' baby blue-eyes; five-spotannual
Galvezia juncea Baja bush snapdragonperennial (Z9-10)
Lessertia frutescens balloon peashrub (Z9b-11)
Cardiospermum halicacabum balloon vine, love in a pufftender perennial (Z9-11)
Platycodon grandiflorus balloonflowerperennial (Z3-8)
Yucca baccata banana yucca; Spanish bayonetperennial (Z5b-11)
Marshallia caespitosa Barbara's buttonsannual
Ocimum basilicum 'Osmin' basiltender perennial
Aurinia saxatilis basket of goldperennial
Lathyrus japonicus ssp. maritimus beach peaperennial
Helianthus debilis ssp. cucumerifolius beach sunflower; cucumber-leaved sunflowertender perennial (Z8-11)
Artemisia stelleriana beach wormwood; dusty millerperennial (Z4-8)
Nolina texana bear grass, sacahuistaperennial
Acanthus mollis bear's breechesperennial (Z6-9)
Penstemon x mexicali 'Red Rocks' beardtongueperennial (Z5-9)
Kolkwitzia amabilis 'Pink Cloud' beautybushshrub (Z4-8)
Escobaria vivipara beehive cactusperennial (Z4-11)
Campanula latifolia subsp. latifolia bellflowerperennial
Campanula incurva bellflowermonocarpic perennial (Z6)
Moluccella laevis bells of Irelandannual
Dasylirion berlandieri Berlandier's sotolperennial (Z7b-10)
Aquilegia bertolonii Bertoloni's columbineperennial (Z2-9)
Andropogon gerardii big bluestem grassperennial (Z3-8)
Salvia pentstemonoides big red sageperennial (Z6-10)
Lotus corniculatus bird's foot trefoilperennial
Commelina dianthifolia birdbill dayflowerperennial (Z7?)
Gilia tricolor birds' eyesannual
Primula farinosa birds-eye primroseperennial
Lewisia cotyledon bitter-rootperennial (Z4-8)
Dalea frutescens black prairie cloverperennial
Thunbergia alata black-eyed susan vinetender perennial (Z9-10)
Gaillardia grandiflora blanketflowerperennial
Liatris spicata blazing star; gayfeatherperennial bulb
Knautia arvensis blue buttonsperennial
Camassia quamash blue camass; indian hyacinthperennial
Heliophila coronopifolia blue diamonds; false blue flaxannual
Iris versicolor blue flagperennial
Linum lewisii blue flaxperennial
Koeleria glauca blue hairgrassperennial (Z6-9)
Helictotrichon sempervirens blue oat grassperennial
Aristea capitata blue scepterperennial
Laurentia axillaris blue star creeper?
Amsonia tabernaemontana blue starsperennial
Gilia capitata blue thimble flowerannual
Trachelium jacquinii ssp. rumelianum blue throatwortperennial
Verbena hastata blue vervainperennial (Z3-8)
Cuphea viscosissima blue waxweedannual
Asperula orientalis blue woodruffannual
Phacelia bolanderi blue-flowered grape-leafperennial (Z7-10)
Caryopteris x clandonensis bluebeard, blue mist spireashrub
Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii Bodinier's beautyberryshrub (Z6-8)
Begonia boliviensis Bolivian begoniaperennial (Z7b-10)
Codonopsis lanceolata bonnet bellflowerperennial (Z6-8)
Borago officinalis borageannual
Elymus hystrix bottlebrush grassperennial (Z5-9)
Gillenia trifoliata bowman's root, indian physicperennial (Z4-8)
Centratherum punctatum Brazilian buttonstender perennial (Z8-11)
Papaver somniferum bread poppy; opium poppyannual
Clarkia breweri Brewer's clarkiaannual
Francoa sonchifolia bridal wreathperennial (Z7-9)
Penstemon ovatus broad-leaved penstemonperennial (Z3-8)
Allium senescens broadleaf chivesperennial (Z5)
Plantago major broadleaf plantainperennial
Linaria dalmatica broadleaf toadflaxperennial
Rudbeckia triloba brown-eyed susanbiennial
Solanum rostratum buffalo burannual
Desmanthus illinoensis bundleflower; prairie mimosaperennial (Z5-9)
Knautia macedonica burgundy pincushionperennial
Thelesperma burridgeanum Burridge's greenthreadannual
Lespedeza thunbergii bush clovershrub (Z5-8)
Diplacus grandiflorus bush monkeyflowerperennial (Z7-10)
Browallia americana bush violetannual
Callirhoe bushii Bush's poppy mallowperennial (Z5-8)
Diplarrena moraea butterfly flag; white irisperennial
Lavandula stoechas ssp. pedunculata butterfly lavender; French lavendertender perennial (Z8-10)
Clitoria ternatea butterfly pea; blue peatender perennial (Z10-11)
Asclepias tuberosa butterfly weedperennial (Z4-10)
Liatris pycnostachya button snakeroot; prairie blazing starperennial (Z4)
Cyclanthera pedata caiguaannual
Oncosiphon suffruticosum Calomba daisyannual
Patrinia scabiosifolia 'Nagoya' camel's coverperennial (Z5-9)
Silene orientalis campionperennial (Z4-8)
Solidago canadensis Canada goldenrodperennial
Pardancanda norrisii candy lilyperennial (Z5-10)
Arctotis fastuosa cape daisy, monarch of the veldtannual or tender perennial
Ipomoea sloteri cardinal climberannual vine
Lobelia cardinalis cardinal flowerperennial
Calycanthus floridus Carolina allspice; sweetshrubshrub (Z5-9)
Thermopsis villosa Carolina lupine, Aaron's rodperennial (Z3-9)
Silene suksdorfii cascade catchflyperennial
Sedum divergens Cascade stonecropperennial (Z5-9)
Silene maritima catchflyperennial (Z2)
Lychnis viscaria catchflyperennial
Silene dioica catchflyperennial
Lychnis wilfordii catchflyperennial
Lychnis fulgens catchfly; brilliant campionperennial (Z4-8)
Nepeta grandiflora 'Dawn to Dusk' catmintperennial (Z5-8)
Teucrium hyrcanicum Caucasian germanderperennial (Z6-9)
Doronicum orientale caucasian leopard's baneperennial (Z5)
Salvia roemeriana cedar sagetender perennial (Z7-10)
Agave palmeri century plantperennial (Z7-10)
Agave loferox 'Stairway to Heaven' century plantperennial (Z7b-10)
Agave x amourifolia century plantperennial (Z7b-10)
Agave americana ssp. protamericana century plant; American aloeperennial (Z8-11)
Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' chameleon spurgeperennial
Penstemon heterophyllus chaparral penstemonperennial (Z6-10)
Hesperoyucca whipplei chaparral yuccaperennial (Z8b)
Vitex negundo chastetreeshrub (Z6-10)
Dianthus gratianopolitanus cheddar pinkperennial (Z3-8)
Dianthus 'Spotty' cheddar pinkperennial
Petrophytum cinerascens Chelan rockmatperennial
Eccremocarpus scaber Chilean glory flowerperennial (Z8-10)
Orostachys malacophylla var. iwarenge Chinese dunce capsperennial (Z5-9)
Paulownia tomentosa Chinese empress treetree
Cynoglossum nervosum Chinese forget-me-notperennial (Z5-9)
Cynoglossum amabile Chinese forget-me-notannual
Collinsia heterophylla Chinese housesannual
Scutellaria baicalensis Chinese skullcapperennial
Calycanthus chinensis Chinese sweetshrubdeciduous shrub (Z6-8)
Orychophragmus violaceus Chinese violet cressperennial (Z7-10)
Allium schoenoprasum chivesperennial
Mentha spicata chocolate mintperennial herb
Berlandiera lyrata chocolate-scented daisyperennial (Z5-11)
Coriandrum sativum cilantro; corianderannual
Potentilla nepalensis cinquefoilperennial (Z3-8)
Potentilla 'Monsieur Rouillard' cinquefoilperennial (Z5-8)
Salvia sclarea clary sagebiennial /perennial (Z5-9)
Adlumia fungosa climbing fumatorybiennial vine (Z4-8)
Caiophora lateritia climbing tingle lilybiennial
Dianthus carthusianorum clusterhead pinkperennial (Z5)
Encelia californica coast sunflower, California brittlebushperennial (Z9-10)
Arisaema ciliatum cobra lilyperennial (Z6-9)
Arisaema serratum cobra lilyperennial (Z5-8)
Arisaema candidissimum cobra lilyperennial (Z5-9)
Cirsium occidentale cobweb thistlebiennial or perennial (Z7-10)
Baptisia arachnifera cobwebby wild indigo; hairy rattleweedperennial
Solenostemon scutellarioides coleustender perennial
Aquilegia coerulea Colorado blue columbineperennial (Z3-8)
Aquilegia vulgaris columbineperennial
Aquilegia 'Cap de Rositier' columbineperennial
Aquilegia discolor columbineperennial (Z4)
Matthiola incana common stockannual
Dipsacus fullonum common teasel; Fuller's teaselbiennial
Silphium laciniatum compass plantperennial
Viola sororia f. priceana confederate violetperennial (Z4-8)
Habranthus tubispathus copper lilyperennial (Z7-10)
Erythrina crista-galli coral beanshrub/tree (Z9-11)
Erythrina herbacea coral bean; Cherokee beantender perennial (Z8-10)
Heuchera sanguinea 'June Bride' coral bellsperennial (Z3-8)
Lilium pumilum coral lilyperennial bulb (Z3-10)
Antigonon leptopus coral vine; chain of lovetender perennial (Z8-12)
Albuca spiralis corkscrew albucaperennial (Z9)
Agrostemma githago corn cockleannual
Ridolfia segetum corn parsley, goldsprayannual
Lavatera arborea Cornish tree mallowannual/perennial
Viola bertolonii Corsica violetperennial
Helleborus lividus subsp. corsicus Corsican helleboreperennial
Tanacetum balsamita costmaryperennial
Dianthus plumarius cottage pink, garden pinkperennial (Z3-9)
Vaccaria hispanica cow cockles; cow soapwortannual
Geranium asphodeloides cranesbillperennial
Geranium wallichianum 'Buxtons Variety' cranesbillperennial
Geranium x oxonianum 'Claridge Druce' cranesbillperennial (Z4-8)
Geranium endressii 'Wargrave's Pink' cranesbillperennial (Z3)
Geranium psilostemon cranesbillperennial (Z5-8)
Scabiosa ochroleuca cream pincushion flowerperennial (Z4-8)
Alyssum montanum creeping basket of goldperennial (Z2-9)
Phuopsis stylosa creeping crosswortperennial (Z5-10)
Cotula 'Tiffindell Gold' creeping gold buttonsperennial (Z5-10)
Sanvitalia procumbens creeping zinniaannual
Anoda cristata 'Opal cup' crested anodaannual
Gentiana septemfida crested gentianperennial
Anthemis cretica Cretian mat daisyperennial (Z5-10)
Allium kermesinum crimson leek; kamnik leekperennial
Gentiana cruciata cross gentianperennial (Z5-9)
Veronicastrum virginicum culver's rootperennial (Z3-8)
Silphium perfoliatum cup plantperennial
Carex albula 'Frosty Curls' curly sedgeperennial (Z6-9)
Erigeron compositus 'Red Desert' cutleaf daisy; fernleaf fleabaneperennial (Z3-8)
Kalimeris incisa cutleaf Japanese asterperennial
Prunella laciniata cutleaf self-healperennial (Z6-9)
Ipomoea quamoclit cypress vineannual vine
Thymophylla tenuiloba Dahlberg daisyannual
Hesperis matronalis dame's rocketbiennial
Arisaema heterophyllum dancing crane cobra lilyperennial (Z5-9)
Globba schomburgkii dancing ladies gingerperennial (Z8-11)
Salvia taraxacifolia dandelion sagetender perennial (Z8)
Aquilegia atrata dark columbineperennial (Z3-8)
Lilium davidii David's lilyperennial
Manfreda maculosa deciduous agaveperennial (Z7-9)
Dianthus armeria Deptford pinkbiennial
Phacelia campanularia desert bluebellannual
Caulanthus inflatus desert candleannual
Cassia nemophila desert cassiashrub (Z7)
Aquilegia shockleyi desert columbineperennial (Z6-10)
Succisa pratensis devilsbit scabiousperennial
Anethum graveolens dillannual
Aeonium tabuliforme dinner-plate aeoniumperennial (Z9b-10)
Scutellaria incana downy skullcapperennial (Z5)
Dracocephalum ruyschiana dragonheadperennial (Z5-8)
Dracocephalum botryoides dragonheadperennial (Z4-7)
Primula denticulata? drumstick primrose; Himalayan primroseperennial (Z3-8)
Campanula species dwarf blue bellflowerperennial (Z5-10)
Trollius pumilus dwarf globeflowerperennial
Aruncus aethusifolius dwarf goat's beardperennial (Z3-9)
Penstemon hirsutus var. pygmaeus dwarf hairy penstemonperennial (Z3-9)
Oxytropis multiceps dwarf locoweed; Nuttall's oxytropeperennial (Z4)
Thermopsis chinensis 'Sophia' dwarf southern lupine, pea bushperennial
Eucomis vandermerwei dwarf spotted pineapple lilyperennial (Z8-10)
Isatis tinctoria dyer's woadbiennial (Z4-8)
Monarda bradburiana eastern beebalmperennial (Z5-8)
Erigeron annuus Eastern daisy fleabaneannual
Tripsacum dactyloides 'Emerald Scepter' eastern gamagrassperennial (Z5-10)
Alcea pallida eastern hollyhockperennial
Cercis canadensis Eastern redbudtree
Blumenbachia insignis electric shock plantannual
Amaranthus tricolor elephant head amaranthannual
Elephantopus carolinianus elephant's footperennial (Z4-9)
Sida elliottii Elliott's fanpetalsperennial?
Primula veris 'Sunset shades' and 'Red Strain' English cowslipperennial (Z4)
Haloragis erecta 'Wellington Bronze' erect seaberrytender perennial
Lupinus luteus European yellow lupineannual
Sophora affinis Eve's necklace; Texas sophorashrub/tree
Oenothera kunthiana evening primroseperennial (Z6-10)
Oenothera macrosceles evening primrose
Oenothera acaulis evening primroseperennial (Z5-8)
Matthiola longipetala ssp. bicornis evening scented stockannual
Agave toumeyana var. bella fairy ring agave; century plantperennial (Z7-9)
Dierama trichorhizum fairy wandperennial (Z6b)
Dierama pulcherrimum fairy wand; angel's fishing rodperennial (Z7-10)
Dierama robustum fairy wandsperennial (Z8)
Allium thunbergii 'Ozawa' fall onionperennial (Z4-8)
Manfreda virginica false aloe; Virginia agaveperennial (Z6-9)
Campylotropis macrocarpa false bush clover; Chinese pea shrubshrub (Z5)
Ledebouria 'Gary Hammer' false squillperennial (Z7-10)
Heliopsis helianthoides false sunflowerperennial
Aquilegia flabellata fan columbineperennial
Clarkia amoena farewell to springannual
Oenothera hartwegii ssp. fendleri Fendler's sundropsperennial
Achillea filipendulina 'Cloth of Gold' fern-leaf yarrowperennial (Z3-9)
Phacelia tanacetifolia fiddleneckannual
Cyrtanthus epiphyticus fire lilyperennial
Ipomoea lobata firecracker vine; Spanish flagtender perennial (Z8)
Celosia spicata flamingo featherannual
Eryngium planum flat sea hollyperennial (Z5-9)
Pelargonium carnosum fleshy pelargoniumshrub (Z10)
Ageratum houstonianum 'Leilani Blue' floss flowerannual
Hibiscus trionum flower of an hourannual
Abelmoschus manihot flowering okratender perennial (Z8-11)
Nicotiana x sanderae 'Baby Bella' flowering tobaccotender perennial (Z9-11)
Nicotiana hybrids flowering tobaccoannual
Nicotiana mutabilis flowering tobaccoperennial (Z8-10)
Veltheimia bracteata forest lily; Cape lilytender perennial (Z9-10)
Lilium formosanum formosa lilyperennial bulb (Z5-8)
Pennisetum orientale 'Karley Rose' fountain grassperennial (Z5-7)
Mirabilis jalapa four o'clockstender perennial (Z7-11)
Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera four-spotted purple clarkia; winecup clarkiaannual
Digitalis lanata complex foxglovebiennial/perennial
Digitalis parviflora foxgloveperennial (Z5)
Digitalis laevigata 'Gracea' foxglovebiennial
Eremurus 'Cleopatra' foxtail lilyperennial
Styrax obassia fragrant snowbelltree
Hedysarum coronarium French honeysuckleperennial/biennial (Z4-9)
Tellima grandiflora fringe cupsperennial (Z4-8)
Dianthus superbus fringed pinkperennial (Z3-8)
Callirhoe digitata fringed poppy mallowperennial (Z5-8)
Ruta chalepensis fringed rue; Aleppo rueperennial
Fritillaria michailovskyi fritillaryperennial
Fritillaria raddeana fritillaryperennial (Z4-8)
Solanum scabrum garden huckleberryannual
Allium tuberosum garlic chivesperennial (Z4-8)
Dictamnus albus gas plantshrub
Gazania hybrids Gazaniatender perennial
Gentiana dahurica gentianperennial
Rudbeckia maxima giant coneflowerperennial
Agastache pallida var. pallida giant hummingbird's mintperennial (Z6-10)
Agastache cana giant hyssopperennial (Z5-9)
Crocosmia masoniorum giant montbretiaperennial (Z6-9)
Allium hyalinum glassy onionperennial
Gomphrena haageana 'Strawberry Fields' globe amaranthannual
Gomphrena globosa globe amaranthannual
Globularia meridionalis globe daisyperennial (Z5-7)
Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen' globeflowerperennial
Rudbeckia hirta gloriosa daisy; black-eyed susanperennial (Z3-10)
Galega officinalis goat's rueperennial
Cypella herbertii goblet flowerperennial (Z7-9)
Melampodium paludosum 'Million Gold' gold medallion flower; African zinniaannual
Zizia aurea golden alexandersperennial (Z3-8)
Clematis tangutica golden clematis, Old man's beardperennial vine (Z3-8)
Tanacetum parthenium 'Aureum' golden feverfewperennial
Thermopsis lanceolata golden pea, golden bannerperennial (Z3-9)
Koelreuteria paniculata golden rain treetree (Z5-9)
Cephalaria gigantea golden scaleheadperennial
Bloomeria crocea golden starsperennial (Z6/7-10)
Acaena saccaticupula goose leafperennial (Z6-9)
Muscari armeniacum grape hyacinthperennial bulb (Z3-9)
Aloe cooperi grass aloeperennial (Z8-10)
Edraianthus tenuifolius grassy bellsperennial (Z5-8)
Penstemon canescens gray beard-tongueperennial
Corynephorus canescens 'Spiky Blue' gray hair grassannual
Carex grayi Gray's sedgeperennial (Z5-9)
Chelidonium majus great celandineperennial
Astrantia major ex 'Hadspen Blood' great masterwortperennial (Z4-9)
Digitalis lanata Grecian foxglove; woolly foxgloveperennial/biennial (Z4-9)
Pinellia tripartita green dragonperennial (Z5-9)
Digitalis viridiflora green foxgloveperennial (Z6-9)
Amaranthus caudatus 'Viridis' green tassel flowerannual
Vicia villosa hairy vetchannual
Ruellia humilis hairy wild petuniaperennial (Z4-8)
Begonia grandis ssp. evansiana hardy begoniaperennial (Z6-9)
Agave lophantha hardy century plantperennial
Gladiolus caucasicus hardy gladiolus; field gladiolusperennial (Z5-10)
Incarvillea compacta hardy gloxiniaperennial (Z6)
Incarvillea forrestii hardy gloxiniaperennial
Incarvillea zhongdianensis hardy gloxiniaperennial (Z5-9)
Incarvillea delavayi hardy gloxiniaperennial (Z6-10)
Hibiscus moscheutos hardy hibiscus; swamp rose-mallowperennial (Z4-9)
Delosperma cooperi hardy ice plantperennial (Z6-9)
Salvia verticillata subsp. verticillata hardy ornamental sageperennial
Strobilanthes atropurpureus hardy persian shieldsperennial (Z6-9)
Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii hardy snapdragonperennial
Hieracium aurantiacum hawkweedperennial
Zizia aptera heart-leaved alexandersperennial
Geranium pyrenaicum hedgerow cranesbillperennial (Z5-10)
Digitalis trojana Helen of Troy foxgloveperennial (Z4-9)
Helenium autumnale Helen's flower, sneezeweedperennial
Erodium manescavii heronsbillperennial
Erodium trifolium heronsbillperennial (Z7-9)
Alcea rosea hollyhockbiennial/perennial
Malva alcea hollyhock mallowperennial (Z3-9)
Lunaria annua honesty; moneyplantbiennial
Cerinthe major Purpurescens honeywortannual
Phyteuma nigrum horned rampionperennial
Agastache aurantiaca 'Kiowa Sunset' hummingbird mintperennial (zones?)
Salvia subrotunda hummingbird sageannual
Lablab purpureus hyacinth beantender perennial/annual
Hyssopus officinalis hyssopperennial
Delosperma sutherlandii ice plantperennial (Z6-9)
Delosperma nakurense ice plant
Delosperma lavisiae ice plantperennial (Z7-11)
Sorghastrum nutans Indian grassperennial (Z3-9)
Lobelia inflata indian tobaccoannual
Verbascum wiedemannianum indigo mulleinperennial
Salvia forsskaolei Indigo sageperennial (Z6-9)
Sagina subulata Irish moss, pearlwortperennial
Aster amellus Italian asterperennial (Z5-8)
Campanula alliariifolia ivory bellflowerperennial
Ipomoea hederacea ivy-leaf morning gloryannual
Ipomoea hederifolia ivy-leaf morning gloryannual
Ipomoea hederifolia var. lutea ivy-leaf morning gloryannual
Arisaema sikokianum jack in the pulpitperennial (Z5-9)
Arisaema serratum var. mayebarae Jack in the pulpitperennial (Z5-8)
Polemonium caeruleum ssp. yezoense Jacob's ladderperennial (Z4-8)
Polemonium caeruleum 'White pearl' Jacob's ladderperennial
Polemonium brandegeei Jacob's ladderperennial (Z4-8)
Polemonium caeruleum subsp. villosum 'Blue master' Jacob's ladderperennial
Asphodeline lutea Jacob's rodperennial (Z6-9)
Callicarpa japonica Japanese beautyberryshrub (Z5-8)
Arisaema ringens Japanese cobra lilyperennial (Z5-9)
Cryptotaenia japonica 'Atropurpurea' Japanese parsleyperennial (Z4-9)
Papaver miyabeanum Japanese poppyperennial (Z2-8)
Leucosceptrum japonicum 'Mountain Madness' Japanese shrub mintperennial (Z5-8)
Styrax japonicus Japanese snowbelltree (Z5-8)
Cirsium japonicum 'White Frosted' japanese thistleperennial (Z5-9)
Phlomis tuberosa Jerusalem sageperennial (Z6)
Talinum paniculatum jewels of Oparannual/greenhouse perennial
Coix lacryma-jobi Job's tearstender perennial
Amsonia jonesii Jones' bluestar; Colorado desert blue starperennial (Z4-9)
Centranthus ruber Jupiter's beardperennial
Sedum kamtschaticum Kamtschat sedumperennial
Solanum virginianum kantakari; Surrattense nightshadeannual or tender perennial
Sophora prostrata kōwhaishrub
Allium carinatum ssp. pulchellum keeled garlicperennial (Z3-9)
Cymbalaria muralis Kenilworth ivyperennial
Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky coffee treetree
Anthyllis vulneraria var. coccinea kidney vetch; woundwortperennial (Z6-10)
Centaurea nigra knapweedperennial
Angelica gigas Korean angelicabiennial (Z6-8)
Campanula takesimana Korean bellflowerperennial (Z5-8)
Sanguisorba hakusanensis Korean burnetperennial
Calamagrostis brachytricha Korean feather grassperennial (Z5-9)
Viola labradorica Labrador violetperennial
Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' laceleaf coreopsisperennial
Adenophora liliifolia ladybellsperennial
Adenophora polyantha ladybellsperennial
Adenophora pereskiifolia ladybellsperennial (Z5-8)
Adenophora triphylla var. japonica ladybellsperennial
Sedum lanceolatum lanceleaf stonecropperennial (Z2)
Minuartia laricifolia larch-leaved sandwortperennial (Z5)
Arenaria grandiflora large-flowered sandwortperennial (Z5)
Lupinus polyphyllus large-leaf lupin; garden lupinbiennial/perennial (Z4-10)
Hemerocallis thunbergii late yellow daylilyperennial (Z5)
Lavatera cachemiriana lavateraperennial (Z6-9)
Lavandula species lavendershrubby perennial
Allium tanguticum lavender globe lilyperennial
Thalictrum rochebrunianum lavender mist meadow rueperennial (Z4-7)
Goniolimon incanum 'Sea Spray' lavender staticeperennial (Z5-9)
Carex buchananii leatherleaf sedgeperennial (Z6-9)
Eryngium leavenworthii Leavenworth eryngoannual
Agave lechuguilla lechuguilla; tula ixtleperennial (Z7-10)
Leibnitzia anandria Leibnitz daisyperennial
Monarda austromontana lemon beebalmperennial
Helleborus x hybridus lenten roseperennial
Agapanthus 'Headbourne Hybrids' and other hybrids lily of the Nileperennial (Z6-10)
Agapanthus praecox 'Dwarf Blue' lily of the Nile; African blue lilyperennial (Z8-10)
Salvia tiliifolia lindenleaf sage; tarahumara chiaannual
Eustoma grandiflorum lisianthus; prairie gentianannual/tender perennial
Antennaria microphylla little-leaf pussytoesperennial (Z3-7)
Aloinopsis/nananthus hybrids living stoneperennial
Lithops karasmontana living stoneperennial (Z9b-11)
Clianthus puniceus lobster claw; kaka beakperennial (Z8-11)
Oxytropis oreophila locoweedperennial (Z4-7)
Veronica longifolia 'Blauriesin' long-leaf speedwellperennial (Z4-8)
Aquilegia longissima longspur columbineperennial (Z3-9)
Levisticum officinale lovageperennial herb
Nigella damascena love in a mistannual
Pulmonaria officinalis lungwortperennial
Salvia lyrata lyre-leaf sageperennial
Azorina vidalii Madeiran bellflowerannual or short-lived perennia
Silene petersonii Maguire campionperennial (Z5-9)
Dianthus deltoides maiden pinkperennial
Solanum atropurpureum malevolencetender perennial
Malva sylvestris 'Zebrina' mallow pinkannual/perennial
Silene chalcedonica Maltese crossperennial (Z4-8)
Gypsophila oldhamiana Manchurian baby's breathperennial
Hemerocallis multiflora many-flowered daylilyperennial (Z4-8)
Silybum marianum Mary's thistle, milk thistlebiennial
Oxytropis shokanbetsuensis mashikegengeperennial
Alonsoa warscewiczii mask flowertender perennial
Liatris ligulistylis meadow blazing starperennial
Thalictrum aquilegiifolium meadow rueperennial (Z5-9)
Salvia pratensis Haematodes meadow sageperennial (Z3-10)
Salvia farinacea mealycup sagetender perennial
Cuphea hyssopifolia Mexican heathertender perennial (Z9-11)
Agastache mexicana Mexican hyssopperennial (Z7-10)
Melothria scabra Mexican sour gherkin; mouse melonannual
Tithonia rotundifolia Mexican sunflowerannual
Hunnemannia fumariifolia Mexican tulip poppy; goldencuptender perennial (Z9-11)
Tetranema roseum Mexican violettender perennial (Z10-11)
Reseda odorata mignonette; bastard rocket
Campanula lactiflora milky bellflowerperennial
Thelocactus setispinus miniature barrel cactus; hedgehog cactusperennial (Z9-11)
Elsholtzia stauntonii mint bushperennial/shrub (Z4-8)
Oenothera macrocarpa Missouri evening primroseperennial (Z3-7)
Dracocephalum moldavica Moldavian dragonheadhardy annual
Mimulus alatus monkeyflowerperennial (Z3)
Mimulus lewisii monkeyflowerannual/perennial
Aconitum carmichaelii monkshoodperennial (zone 3-7)
Ipomoea alba moon vine; moonflowerannual
Ipomoea tricolor morning gloryannual
Rhodanthemum hosmariense Moroccan daisyperennial (Z8-9)
Eryngium variifolium Moroccan sea hollyperennial (Z5-9)
Verbascum blattaria moth mulleinbiennial
Cyclamen persicum mother's day cyclamentender perennial
Leonurus cardiaca motherwortperennial
Anacyclus pyrethrum Mount Atlas daisyperennial (Z4)
Centaurea montana mountain bluetperennial (Z3-8)
Cercocarpus montanus mountain mahoganyshrub (Z5-10)
Thlaspi species mountain pennycressperennial
Arabis alpina 'Snowcap' mountain rockcressperennial (Z4-7)
Geranium phaeum mourning widow geraniumperennial (Z5-9)
Anemone baldensis Mt. Baldo windroseperennial (Z6-9)
Verbascum diascia mulleinperennial
Verbascum olympicum mulleinbiennial (Z5-10)
Delphinium brunonianum musk larkspurperennial (Z3-6)
Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurgeperennial
Solanum quitoense naranjillatender shrub
Amsonia hubrichtii narrow-leaf blue starperennial (Z5-9)
Sisyrinchium angustifolium narrow-leaf blue-eyed grassperennial (Z5-8)
Agave striata narrow-leaf century plantperennial (Z7b-10)
Ligularia stenocephala 'The Rocket' narrow-leaf ligulariaperennial (Z4-8)
Tropaeolum majus nasturtiumannual/tender perennial
Calamintha nepeta nepitellaperennial
Verbascum chaixii 'Album' nettle-leaved mulleinperennial (Z5-8)
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' New England asterperennial
Vernonia noveboracensis New York ironweedperennial
Zaluzianskya capensis 'Midnight Candy' night phloxtender perennial (Z9-11)
Physocarpus opulifolius ninebarkshrub
Salvia nutans nodding sageperennial
Hymenoxys hoopesii orange sneezeweedperennial (Z3-8)
Bauhinia brachycarpa orchid treetree (Z8-11)
Solanum melongena 'Ping Tung Long' oriental eggplantannual vegetable
Papaver orientale oriental poppyperennial
Zea mays 'Quadricolor' and 'Tiger Cub' ornamental cornannual
Origanum vulgare 'Heiderose' ornamental oreganoperennial
Capsicum annuum ornamental peppersannual
Nicotiana sylvestris ornamental tobaccoannual/tender perennial
Lesquerella ovalifolia oval-leaf bladderpod
Telekia speciosa ox-eye daisyperennial (Z3-7)
Magnolia sieboldii Oyama magnoliatree
Amsonia illustris Ozark blue star; shining blue starperennial
Tricyrtis macropoda pagoda toad lilyperennial (Z5-8)
Tanacetum coccineum painted daisyperennial
Salpiglossis sinuata painted tongueannual
Persicaria virginiana 'Painter's palette' painter's paletteperennial (Z4-8)
Echinacea pallida pale purple coneflowerperennial
Carex muskingumensis 'Wachtposten' palm sedgeperennial (Z5-8)
Syneilesis palmata palmate umbrella plantperennial (Z5-8)
Lupinus latifolius var. parishii Parish's lupine, broadleaf lupineperennial (don't know zones)
Townsendia parryi Parry's townsendiaperennial
Chamaecrista fasciculata partridge peaannual
Luetkea pectinata partridgefootperennial (Z3B)
Pulsatilla vulgaris pasque flowerperennial (Z4-8)
Campanula persicifolia peach-leaf bellflowerperennial
Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride' pearlbushshrub (Z5-8)
Viola perennial violetperennial
Fritillaria persica Persian fritillaryperennial bulb (Z6-10)
Allium aflatunense Persian onionperennial bulb (Z5-9)
Physalis peruviana Peruvian ground cherry; cape gooseberrytender perennial
Narcissus bulbocodium ssp. obesus petticoat daffodilperennial bulb (Z5-9)
Scabiosa crenata pincushion flowerperennial
Scabiosa lucida pincushion flowerperennial
Scabiosa columbaria pincushion flower, scabiousperennial
Penstemon pinifolius pine-leaf penstemonperennial
Eucomis bicolor pineapple lilyperennial (Z7-10)
Eucomis autumnalis pineapple lilyperennial (Z7-10)
Helenium aromaticum pineapplestender perennial
Dianthus species pinkperennial
Capnoides sempervirens pink corydalis; rock harlequinperennial
Calliandra eriophylla pink fairy dusterperennial (Z8b-10)
Digitalis thapsi pink foxgloveperennial
Senecio polyodon pink groundselperennial
Zephyranthes macrosiphon pink rain lilyperennial (Z8-10)
Scutellaria suffrutescens pink skullcapperennial
Veronica spicata 'Red Fox' pink spike speedwellperennial (Z3-8)
Indigofera amblyantha pinkflower indigoperennial shrub (Z6-10)
Clarkia speciosa ssp. immaculata Pismo clarkiaannual
Coreopsis tinctoria plains coreopsis; calliopsisannual
Hosta hybrids plantain lilyperennial
Toxicodendron radicans poison ivyperennial vine
Impatiens glandulifera policeman's helmet; Himalayan balsamannual
Rosa x rehderiana polyantha roseshrub
Papaver amurense poppyperennial (Z5-9)
Callirhoe involucrata poppy mallow; winecupsperennial
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata var. elegans porcelain vineperennial (Z4-8)
Solanum pyracanthon porcupine tomatotender perennial
Calendula officinalis pot marigoldannual
Ratibida columnifera prairie coneflower; Mexican hatperennial (Z3-10)
Geum triflorum prairie smokeperennial (Z4)
Zinnia grandiflora prairie zinniaperennial (Z4-9)
Cynoglossum wallichii prickly houndstongueannual/biennial
Primula saxatilis primroseperennial
Primula cortusoides primroseperennial (Z3)
Stanleya pinnata prince's plumeperennial (Z5-9)
Petrorhagia prolifera proliferous pinkannual
Indigofera pseudotinctoria 'Rose Carpet' prostrate indigo bushshrub (Z6-9)
Gomphocarpus physocarpus pufferfish milkweed; balloon cottonbushtender perennial (Z7-10)
Clarkia bottae punch-bowl godetia; farewell-to-springannual
Phaseolus vulgaris 'Trionfo Violetto' purple climbing beanannual vegetable
Echinacea purpurea purple coneflowerperennial
Agastache scrophulariifolia purple giant hyssopperennial (Z4-9)
Agastache rugosa purple giant hyssopperennial (Z5-8)
Lobelia x gerardii purple lobeliaperennial
Verbascum phoeniceum 'Violetta' purple mulleinbiennial /perennial (Z4-8)
Dalea purpurea purple prairie cloverperennial (Z3-9)
Aubrieta deltoidea purple rock cressperennial
Tragopogon porrifolius purple salsifybiennial
Hypericum androsaemum 'Albury Purple' purple St John's wortdeciduous shrub (Z5-8)
Verbena bonariensis purple-top vervaintender perennial
Antennaria dioica pussy-toesperennial
Aquilegia pyrenaica Pyrenees columbineperennial (Z5-8)
Eryngium bourgatii Pyrenees sea hollyperennial
Daucus carota Queen Anne's laceperennial
Agave victoriae-reginae Queen Victoria agaveperennial (Z8-10)
Dimorphotheca pluvialis rain daisy; cape daisyannual
Zephyranthes minima rain lilyperennial (Z7-10)
Zephyranthes morrisclintii rain lilyperennial (Z7-10)
Zephyranthes katheriniae rain lilyperennial (Z7-10)
Zephyranthes brachyandra rain lilyperennial (Z7-10)
Zephyranthes primulina rain lilyperennial (Z8-11)
Zephyranthes reginae rain lilyperennial
Habranthus gracilifolius rain lilyperennial (Z7-10)
Zephyranthes fosteri rain lilyperennial (Z7b-10)
Zephyranthes 'Capricorn' rain lilyperennial
Zephyranthes citrina rain lilyperennial bulb (Z7-10)
Zephyranthes dichromantha rain lilyperennial (Z7-10)
Zephyranthes drummondii rain lily; giant prairie lilyperennial (Z7-10)
Echinocereus rigidissimus ssp. rubispinus rainbow hedgehog cactus; Sonoran rainbow cactusperennial (Z9)
Dimorphotheca cuneata rainflowerperennial (Z8)
Phyteuma scheuchzeri rampionperennial
Eryngium yuccifolium rattlesnake masterperennial (Z3-8)
Linum grandiflorum red flaxannual
Kniphofia uvaria red hot poker; torch lilyperennial
Hesperaloe parviflora red yuccaperennial (Z5-9)
Oenothera glazioviana red-sepal evening primrosebiennial/perennial (Z3)
Enkianthus campanulatus red-vein enkianthusshrub (Z5-8)
Consolida regalis regal knight's spur; field larkspurannual
Symphyandra wanneri ringflowerperennial (Z6-9)
Saxifraga arendsii rock cressperennial (Z3)
Arabis soyeri rock cressperennial
Calandrinia grandiflora rock purslanetender perennial (Z8)
Saponaria ocymoides rock soapwortperennial (Z4-8)
Veronica fruticans rock speedwellperennial (Z5-8)
Acinos alpinus rock thyme; alpine calamintperennial (Z4)
Draba arabisans rock whitlow-grassperennial
Draba norvegica rock whitlow-grassperennial
Consolida ajacis rocket larkspurannual
Penstemon strictus Rocky Mountain penstemonperennial (Z4-9)
Fibigia clypeata Roman shieldsbiennial/perennial
Lychnis coronaria rose campionperennial (Z3-8)
Lavatera trimestris 'Silver cup' rose mallowannual
Arabis blepharophylla 'Spring Charm' rose rock cressperennial (Z3-7)
Glandularia canadensis 'Perfecta' rose vervainperennial
Gaillardia pulchella rose-ring blanketflowerannual/short-lived perennial (
Hibiscus sabdariffa roselle, Jamaican sorrel, tea hibiscustender perennial (Z9-11)
Lilium rosthornii Rosthorn's lilyperennial (Z5-8)
Lespedeza capitata round-headed bush cloverperennial (Z4-8)
Phyteuma orbiculare round-headed rampionperennial
Heuchera cylindrica 'Greenfinch' roundleaf alumrootperennial (Z4-8)
Lilium regale 'Album' royal lily; regal lilyperennial (Z3-8)
Ruta graveolens rueperennial herb
Digitalis ferruginea rusty foxglovebiennial/perennial (Z4-8)
Carnegiea gigantea saguaro cactusperennial (Z8-11)
Orbexilum pedunculatum Samson's snakeroot, Congo rootperennial (Z6-9)
Agastache mearnsii San Luis Mountain giant hyssopperennial
Dianthus arenarius sand pinkperennial (Z3-8)
Heuchera pulchella Sandia mountain heucheraperennial (Z4-9)
Lilium sargentiae Sargent's lilyperennial (Z5-8)
Cephalaria dipsacoides scabiousperennial
Penstemon triflorus scarlet penstemon; Heller's beardtongueperennial
Penstemon cardinalis ssp. cardinalis scarlet penstemon; pride of the mountainperennial (Z5-10)
Hibiscus coccineus scarlet rose mallowperennial (Z6-9)
Campanula rotundifolia Scotch harebellperennial (Z5-10)
Crithmum maritimum sea fennel; rock samphireperennial (Z7-10)
Limonium gerberi sea lavenderperennial (Z2)
Chasmanthium latifolium sea oatsperennial grass
Mimulus guttatus seep monkeyflowerperennial (Z2)
Prunella grandiflora self-healperennial (Z3-8)
Jasione crispa? sheep's bitperennial
Thalictrum lucidum shining meadow rueperennial
Perilla frutescens shiso, beafsteak mintannual
Nicandra physalodes shoo-fly plant; apple of Peruannual
Dodecatheon meadia shooting starperennial
Penstemon cobaea showy beard-tongueperennial (Z5-9)
Mirabilis multiflora showy four o'clock; Froebel's four o'clockperennial (Z4-10)
Asclepias speciosa showy milkweedperennial (Z3-9)
Senna splendida showy senna; golden wondershrub/tree (Z9-11)
Hylotelephium spectabile showy stonecrop; tall sedumperennial (Z4-9)
Syneilesis aconitifolia shredded umbrella plantperennial (Z5-8)
Sophora davidii shrub pagoda treeshrub (Z4-7)
Melica altissima 'Atropurpurea' Siberian melic grassperennial (Z4-9)
Salvia dumetorum Siberian sageperennial
Allium sikkimense Sikkim onionperennial
Sagittaria australis 'Benni' silk stockings; Appalachian arrowheadperennial (Z5-10)
Melica ciliata silky melic grassperennial (Z5-10)
Nassella tenuissima silky thread grass; Mexican feather grassperennial (Z6-10)
Eucalyptus cinerea silver dollar eucalyptus; argyle appletree (Z8-11)
Lysimachia ephemerum silver loosestrife; willow-leaved loosestrifeperennial (Z5-9)
Acer saccharinum silver mapletree (Z3)
Carlina acaulis silver thistleperennial
Scutellaria pontica skullcapperennial
Scutellaria salviifolia skullcapperennial
Scutellaria serrata skullcapperennial
Navarretia squarrosa skunkweed; pincushion plantannual
Polemonium viscosum sky pilotperennial (Z4-8)
Xanthisma texanum sleepy daisyannual
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium slender mountain mintperennial (Z4-10)
Agave gracilipes slimfoot century plantperennial (Z6-9)
Thalictrum minus small meadow rueperennial
Oenothera perennis small sundropsperennial (Z4-9)
Penstemon smallii Small's penstemonperennial (Z5-9)
Penstemon procerus small-flowered penstemonperennial (Z3)
Urospermum dalechampii smooth golden fleecebiennial/perennial
Scutellaria antirrhinoides snapdragon skullcapperennial
Maurandella antirrhiniflora snapdragon vineperennial (Z8-10)
Euphorbia marginata 'Summer Icicle' snow on the mountainannual
Anemone sylvestris snowdrop anemoneperennial (Z4-8)
Luzula nivea snowy wood rushperennial
Yucca elata soap treeperennial (Z5-10)
Dasylirion wheeleri sotol; desert spoonperennial (Z8-11)
Cucurbita pepo ssp. pepo 'Spaghetti Squash' spaghetti squashannual
Campanula primulifolia Spanish bellflowerperennial (Z5-8)
Nigella hispanica 'African Bride' Spanish love-in-a-mistannual
Papaver rupifragum Spanish poppybiennial
Sedum hispanicum var. minus Spanish stonecropperennial (Z2-9)
Lathyrus clymenum Spanish vetchlingannual
Agoseris retrorsa spearleaf mountain dandelionperennial
Veronica allionii speedwellperennial (Z3-9)
Veronica schmidtiana speedwellperennial (Z4-7)
Cleome houtteana spider flowerannual
Tradescantia virginiana spiderwortperennial
Hormathophylla spinosa spiny alyssum; madwortperennial/dwarf shrub (Z6-10)
Hieracium maculatum spotted hawkweedperennial (Z5-9)
Eupatorium maculatum 'Purple bush' spotted Joe-Pye weedperennial (Z4-8)
Centaurea stoebe ssp. stoebe spotted knapweedbiennial/perennial
Delphinium patens spreading larkspur; zigzag larkspurperennial
Lathyrus vernus spring vetch; everlasting sweet peaperennial (Z5-9)
Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow' spurgeperennial (Z6)
Aquilegia ecalcarata spurless columbineperennial (Z6-9)
Barnardia japonica squillperennial (Z6-9)
Ipomopsis rubra standing cypressbiennial/perennial (Z6-9)
Allium cristophii star of Persiaperennial bulb (Z5-9)
Scabiosa stellata starflower pincushionsannual
Limonium gougetianum staticeperennial (Z7)
Oxytropis borealis var. viscida sticky crazyweedperennial
Solanum sisymbriifolium sticky nightshade; wild tomato; litchi tomatoannual
Scutellaria resinosa sticky skullcap; prairie skullcapperennial (Z4-8)
Allium strictum stiff onionperennial
Stokesia laevis Stokes' aster, cornflower asterperennial (Z5-9)
Aethionema grandiflorum stonecressperennial (Z5-9)
Sedum ussuriense stonecropperennial (Z3-9)
Sedum aizoon stonecropperennial (Z4-9)
Saxifraga stolonifera strawberry begoniaperennial (Z6-10)
Potentilla megalantha strawberry cinquefoilperennial (Z3-9)
Digitalis x mertonensis strawberry foxgloveperennial
Xerochrysum bracteatum strawflowerannual
Gladiolus flanaganii suicide lilyperennial (Z8-10)
Galtonia candicans summer hyacinthperennial (Z6/7-10)
Galtonia viridiflora summer hyacinthperennial
Adonis aestivalis summer pheasant's-eyeannual
Euphorbia cyathophora summer poinsettiaannual
Angelonia angustifolia summer snapdragontender perennial (Z9-11)
Helianthemum nummularium sun rose; rock roseperennial (Z5-8)
Helianthus annuus sunflowerannual
Agastache rupestris sunset hyssopperennial (Z5-8)
Asclepias incarnata swamp milkweedperennial
Lagenaria siceraria swan's neck gourd; bottle gourdannual
Artemisia annua sweet Annieannual
Lathyrus odoratus sweet peaannual
Amberboa moschata sweet sultan; cornflowerannual
Silene armeria sweet william catchfly; none-so-prettybiennial
Aquilegia fragrans sweet-scented columbineperennial (Z5-9)
Beta vulgaris Cicla Group 'Bright Lights' swiss chardcultivated as annual vegetable
Gladiolus tristis sword lilyl; marsh Afrikanerperennial (Z8-11)
Thalictrum pubescens tall meadow rueperennial
Scutellaria altissima tall skullcapperennial (Z4-10)
Lathyrus tingitanus Tangier peatender perennial?
Tanacetum vulgare tansyperennial herb
Echinacea tennesseensis Tennessee coneflowerperennial (Z5-9)
Lupinus texensis Texas bluebonnetannual
Sophora secundiflora Texas mountain laureltree (Z7b-10)
Allium texanum Texas onionperennial (Z5-9)
Salvia texana Texas sageperennial
Caulanthus crassicaulis thick-stem wild cabbageperennial
Bupleurum griffithii 'Decor' thorough-waxannual
Linaria triornithophora three birds flyingperennial (Z7-9)
Malvastrum coromandelianum three-lobe false mallowannual/perennial
Galphimia glauca thryallisshrub (Z8-10)
Gentiana tibetica Tibetan gentianperennial (Z6)
Coreopsis tripteris tickseedperennial
Layia calliglossa tidy tipsannual
Layia platyglossa tidytipsannual
Tigridia pavonia tiger flower; Mexican shellflowerperennial (Z8-11)
Tricyrtis hirta toad lilyperennial (Z5-9)
Tricyrtis latifolia toad lilyperennial (Z5)
Tricyrtis 'Shirohotogisu' toad lilyperennial (Z4-8)
Linaria aeruginea 'Lindeza Violet' toadflaxannual/tender perennial
Linaria reticulata 'Flamenco' toadflaxannual
Kniphofia ensifolia torch lilyperennial (Z8-10)
Kniphofia hirsuta torch lily; red hot pokerperennial (Z5-9)
Polemonium foliosissimum flavum towering Jacob's ladderperennial
Townsendia eximia Townsend daisy?
Gypsophila repens trailing baby's breathperennial (Z3-9)
Asarina procumbens trailing snapdragonperennial (Z6-9)
Gazania linearis treasure flowerperennial (Z5-8)
Asclepias curassavica tropical milkweed; bloodflowertender perennial
Myosotis scorpioides true forget-me-not; water forget-me-notperennial (Z3-8)
Lilium henryi trumpet lilyperennial (Z5-8)
Rabdosia longituba trumpet spurflowerperennial (Z6-8)
Clematis heracleifolia tube clematissubshrub (Z5-9)
Agave polianthiflora tuberose-flowered agaveperennial (Z8-10)
Oenothera caespitosa tufted evening primrosebiennial/perennial (Z4)
Petrorhagia saxifraga tunic flowerperennial
Plantago asiatica 'Variegata' variegated plantainperennial
Lathyrus venetus Venetian vetchlingperennial
Legousia speculum-veneris Venus' looking glassannual
Pycnanthemum virginianum Virginia mountain mintperennial (Z3-7)
Malcolmia maritima Virginia stockannual
Sauromatum venosum voodoo lilyperennial (Z6-10)
Penstemon cyananthus wasatch penstemonperennial?
Carex pendula weeping sedgeperennial
Aquilegia formosa Western red columbineperennial
Mimosa quadrivalvis var. occidentalis western sensitive briarperennial (Z?)
Polemonium pulcherrimum western sky pilotperennial (Z4-7)
Agave ovatifolia whale's tongue agaveperennial (Z8-10)
Triticum 'Moroccan Frost' wheatannual
Penstemon whippleanus Whipple's penstemonperennial
Xerochrysum papillosum white everlastingperennial
Baptisia alba var. alba white false indigoperennial
Baptisia alba var. macrophylla white false indigo; prairie false indigoperennial
Dalea candida white prairie cloverperennial (Z3-8)
Lychnis coronaria 'Alba' White rose campionperennial
Carex curta white sedgeperennial
Aristolochia fimbriata white-veined pipevineperennial (Z7-9)
Draba aizoides whitlow-grassperennial
Draba dubia whitlow-grassperennial (?)
Draba cretica whitlow-grassperennial (Z9)
Draba hispanica whitlow-grassperennial (Z7)
Morina longifolia whorlflowerperennial
Tinantia erecta widow's tearstender perennial
Sedum pulchellum widowscross; lime stonecropperennial?
Pediomelum tenuiflorum wild alfalfa; slender-flower breadrootperennial (Z4-9)
Phlox divaricata wild blue phloxperennial (Z3-8)
Conostomium natalense wild pentasshrub
Aquilegia canadensis wild red columbineperennial (Z3-8)
Epilobium angustifolium willow orchidperennial (Z4-10)
Digitalis obscura willow-leaf foxglovebiennial/perennial (Z6-10)
Stylomecon heterophylla wind poppyannual
Anemone multifida windflowerperennial (Z3-8)
Anemone biarmiensis windflowerperennial (Z3-8)
Anemone cruciata windflowerperennial
Verbesina alternifolia wingstemperennial
Torenia baillonii 'Susie Wong' wishbone flowerannual
Callirhoe papaver woodland poppy mallowperennial (Z6-9)
Sedum ternatum woodland stonecrop; wild stonecropperennial
Asperula gussonei woodruffperennial (Z5-8)
Verbascum densiflorum woolly mulleinbiennial
Verbena stricta woolly vervainperennial
Vigna unguiculata yardlong bean; Chinese red noodle beanannual
Achillea 'Schwellenberg' yarrowperennial (Z3-9)
Achillea sibirica var. camtschatica 'Love Parade' yarrowperennial (Z3-9)
Baptisia sphaerocarpa yellow baptisiaperennial (Z5-9)
Dicentra macrocapnos yellow bleeding heart vineperennial
Turnera ulmifolia yellow buttercup; yellow alder; sage rosetender perennial/shrub (Z9-11)
Corydalis lutea yellow corydalisperennial (Z5-7)
Cosmos sulphureus yellow cosmosannual
Digitalis grandiflora yellow foxgloveperennial
Agastache nepetoides yellow giant hyssopperennial (Z3-8)
Arisaema flavum yellow jack-in-the-pulpitperennial (Z4-10)
Thalictrum flavum ssp. glaucum yellow meadow rue; dusty meadow rueperennial
Allium flavum yellow onionperennial bulb
Passiflora lutea yellow passionflowerperennial (Z5-9)
Dicranostigma leptopodum yellow poppy
Kirengeshoma koreana yellow waxbellsperennial (Z5-9)
Kirengeshoma palmata yellow waxbellsperennial (Z5-9)
Oxalis stricta yellow wood sorrelperennial
Atropa belladonna var. lutea yellow-flowered deadly nightshadeperennial
Cladrastis kentukea yellowwoodtree
Lysimachia yunnanensis Yunnan loosestrifeperennial (Z7-9)
Thalictrum delavayi Yunnan meadow rueperennial

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Last modified: December 30, 2017
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