The list below shows all the plant varieties (61 at latest count) that I've already potted
up for this year's sale. There will be more
added right up to the day before the sale, so do check back. We list plants
here regardless of quantity for sale - for some, there is only one, so come
early for the best selection.
For a few of the plants below, I may have have small information sheets
with a photo, so you can learn the basics about the plants. However, there
are way too many different plants to have such a sheet for each one (and I
haven't created many yet for Houston-loving plants), so you
may wish to read up on the offerings here before coming to the sale.
You can click on the botanical name of any plant to get some information
- pictures, links to web resources, etc. Click on any of the first
three column headings to order the list according to that column.