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Zephyranthes sp. from Tamaulipas

Zephyranthes sp. from Tamaulipas
rain lily
Pink buds
Zephyranthes sp. from Tamaulipas
First flower on two-year-old plant

Common name rain lily
Family amaryllidaceae
Life cycle perennial
Flowers white
Light sun-part shade

Unknown species from NARGS exchange, collected in Mexico. Our plants were started from seed in spring of 2019, and produced their first flowers two years later. These were white, with just a hint of pink; once faded, the flowers turn light pink. To my eyes, they look not too dissimilar to other lower-growing white-flowered zephyranthes, such as Z. morrisclintii, although its petals aren't translucent. I'll try to make closer observations once they reach their mature form.

rain lily
Second-year bulbs dug up for transplanting in March: elongated with a tendency to curve around, each sprouting 2 or 3 slender leaf blades

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: left fence border

A page about all the rain lilies in our garden

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from NARGS '18/'19 exchange. Baggy 70F (50%G, 6-8d). Remainder of seeds were likely empty
  2. Same seed as above. Baggy 70F (85%G, 4-15d)

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Last modified: April 21, 2022
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