Vitis vinifera 'Tempranillo' |
| Clusters of developing grapes, late May... |
| ...and late June |
Common name |
tempranillo grape |
Family |
vitaceae |
Life cycle |
shrub |
Flowers |
white |
Size |
vine |
Light |
sun |
Black grape native to Spain, used for producing full-bodied red wines. We bought our plant as a wee cutting from a local grocery store, so we figured it would be quite some time before we;d see it produce any fruit. It was given license to climb up our backyard fence to hide the structure's monotonous appearance. By the end of its first season, it had accomplished that goal, twining its way to the top of the fence and beyond. In subsequent years, it expanded further, generally preferring to ramble across neighboring shrubs and perennials rather than stick to the trellising we attached to the fence – but it seemed generally happy – which was uncertain, because from the little research I've done, I understand that grapes in Texas are best grown on specific rootstocks, and I don't believe our specimen is grafted onto a rootstock. It threatened to produce grapes a couple of years, but they never ripened up very well, succumbing to problems before they could get plump and dark. Then one year, after about seven years in the garden, it just died. The preceding winter had not been particularly harsh, so I blame the heat and drought of the summer before.
| Our vine looked dead until about mid-March after a hard freeze in January 2018, but then rapidly put out new leaves leaves along most of its woody growth. |
| Mini-grapes by late April |
This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away... About my plant portraits
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Last modified:
January 23, 2025
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