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pitcher plant

Common name pitcher plant
Family sarraceniaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z6?)
Flowers various
Size 10-36"
Light sun-part shade

We hadn't previously entered the wacky world of insectivorous plants, so we're trying to correct our oversight with the purchase of two varieties of pitcher plant: Sarracenia leucophylla 'Tarnok' (white-topped pitcher plant) and Sarracenia x 'Scarlet Belle', a red-tinted hybrid of S. leucophylla and S. psittacina. Both were sunk into our pond's filtration bog, each in its own plastic container filled with peat moss. And they looked positively cute. I've seen hardiness ratings for S. leucophylla of zone 6, whereas Scarlet Belle, at zone 8 hardiness, appeared doomed to failure. But in fact, Belle survived (for two winters now), while Tarnok perished. Not sure if that had anything to do with winter hardiness – it's quite possible that it didn't appreciate just how permanently wet its soil was (perhaps even standing water at its crown).

Spent stalks still stand starkly upright on a sunny day in February
pitcher plant
'Scarlet Belle'

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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