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Sambucus canadensis

Sambucus canadensis
American elderberry
Synonym(s) Sambucus nigra var. canadensis
Common name American elderberry
Family adoxaceae
Life cycle shrub (Z3-10)
Flowers white (late spring-summer)
Size to 12'
Light part shade
Cultural notes prefers moist soil

Deciduous shrub distributed widely across the United States and Canada. Umbels of white flowers in summer are followed by black berries attractive to birds. Reportedly short-lived as individual shrubs, but persist by returning from the root mass. The species and its selections are sold in the nursery trade, and are useful for hedges and naturalistic plantings, but ours arrived as a volunteer, seeding itself into a place where it had no future – so it didn't stay in our garden for long.

This is a weed in our garden

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Last modified: December 30, 2024
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