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Nymphaea (tropical hybrids)

Nymphaea (tropical hybrids)
tropical waterlily

Common name tropical waterlily
Family nymphaeaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z10-11)
Flowers various (spring-frost)
Size floating aquatic
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes submerged in still water

Despite the zone range quoted above, our 'Tina', a deep blue variety with large fringed leaves, has survived both of the harsh freeze events that Houston has thrown at us in recent years. It was one of the first denizens of our backyard pond, and has long since escaped its pot, instead rooting in the muck accumulating on one side of the pond. It blooms until late in the season, takes a brief break for winter, and comes back strong the following spring.

Nymphaea (tropical hybrids)
tropical waterlily
A rather ugly mess once a good freeze gets them. This year (Dec 2022) the first one arrived early; other years we often have waterlilies blooming at Christmas

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: waterfall pond

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Last modified: December 28, 2024
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