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Hippeastrum hybrids

Hippeastrum hybrids
A very promising bud, mid-March
In full bloom, late March
Hippeastrum hybrids

Common name amaryllis
Family amaryllidaceae
Life cycle perennial
Flowers various colors

After enjoying many amaryllis bulbs indoors in winter, I decided to try planting one outdoors now that I live in a climate where it stands a chance of survival. So our bloomed-out potted bulb went into a garden border in late winter, and spent the year with its broad leaves unobtrusively soaking up the sunlight. Winter knocked it back a bit, to where it looked a little iffy by mid-January. I nearly gave up on it, but then it sprang back to life and vigor, sending up a stout flowering stem in mid-March, giving rise to magnificent flowers a couple weeks later – at least as nice as the indoor ones the previous year. Then it surprised us by putting up another flower stalk about a week later, which the indoor ones never do for me. So I think I'll start a modest collection of amaryllis – for variety in shape and color, I may need to look beyond the local Trader Joe's next year.

Second flower stalk, a week or so after the first
Hippeastrum hybrids
Bursting seed pods – this being a sterile hybrid, the flimsy black seed cases are all empty, but it still looks cool
Sure enough, next year I purchased a few different bulbs from an online supplier. Not all of them bloomed, and at least one was a different variety from what I ordered, but in early spring they all went into the garden, in various locations, hoping for some pizzazz next spring. Below, I collect photos taken from the potted bulbs indoors, which I'll remove as I capture them in bloom in ourdoor locations.

'Moon Scene'
Hippeastrum hybrids
'Blossom Peacock'
Hippeastrum hybrids
'Dancing Queen'
Hippeastrum hybrids
'Ruby Star'
Hippeastrum hybrids
'Pink Pizzazz'
Hippeastrum hybrids
This one's a bit of a mystery: I ordered 'Ferrari' online, and received a bulb that produced the flowers shown in the picture above left as an indoor Christmas display, with a strong white streak. That looked much more like 'Red Peacock' (sold by the same outfit), so I figured it was just mislabeled. I planted it outside, and it bloomed the following April (photo above right) – but this time, the white streaks were missing at first, and came in much more subtly after a few days, so it looks more like 'Ferrari'. I like both flower forms, so all is well.

Hippeastrum hybrids
Out in the garden, the foliage grows tall by mid-summer
I was originally concerned that amaryllis bulbs, having been bred for a magnificent Christmas display, would peter out year after year in the garden, much like most tulips do. But this has not been the case: in its third year of returning in spring, our original red specimen is stronger than ever, producing six individual flowers (up from four) on each stem
Hippeastrum hybrids
'Clown' was the first to bloom in April 2022
'Minerva' followed about a week later: similar color and vein pattern, but different petal shape. The red color doesn't seem quite as saturated as on the previous years' indoor blooms
Hippeastrum hybrids
'Glee' about to open with striking buds, April 2022...
...and open the next day
Hippeastrum hybrids
This one, whose name I didn't record, made a surprise appearance in late October...
...then repeated the following April
Hippeastrum hybrids
'Misty' did not bloom in the two years after I set it out in the garden, but finally did in the third spring

In our garden, this plant grows in the following areas: back fence border, waterfall pondside, left fence border, foundation border

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Last modified: February 08, 2025
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