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Hibiscus boryanus

Hibiscus boryanus
New flush of growth, June 2019
Chinese hibiscus
Hibiscus boryanus
Just purchased, November 2018

Common name Chinese hibiscus
Family malvaceae
Life cycle shrub (Z9b-11)
Flowers red
Size to 8'
Light sun
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil, not too dry

Evergreen shrub grown for its flashy red flowers. The leaves on young plants resemble bird's feet, but mature plants have typical hibiscus leaves. Quite frost-tender, so it may not live long and prosper even in subtropical Houston. It spent its first winter in its pot, sheltered on our patio, and wasn't too happy about it; by early spring, I set it out in the garden, where it continued to sulk through summer, before finally putting on a new flush of growth in early summer. The following couple of years it did fine, growing very slowly but steadily, not coming close to blooming. Alas, the megafreeze brought on by winter storm Uri in Feb '21 killed our plant at long last. I wish I had seen more of its mature habit, but that's gardening for ya.

Chinese hibiscus
A little more growth by late summer 2020

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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Last modified: January 23, 2025
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