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Gelasine elongata

Gelasine elongata
dimpled iris
Gelasine elongata

Common name dimpled iris
Family iridaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z7-10)
Flowers violet-blue (late spring)
Size 20"
Light sun
Cultural notes well-drained soil

Blue-flowering iris relative from South America. I tried growing it several times in Pennsylvania, but could never establish blooming-size plants; apparently they aren't quite hardy enough to withstand a zone 6/7 winter. Trying again in Texas, where the problem may be the opposite one (too hot in summer). Luckily, one plant survived its first full season in our garden, and returned to flower the following spring. I missed most of the show, so just some photos of buds and seedpods for now.

In our garden, this plant grows in the following areas: foundation border, front fence nursery area

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from HPS/MAG '05/'06 exchange. Baggy 70F (22%G, 21-60d)
  2. Same seed as above. Baggy 70F (50%G, 14-46d)
  3. Same seed as above. Sandpapered husks off. Baggy 70F (44%G, 17-27d)
  4. Same seed as above. Sandpapered husks off. Baggy 70F (19%G, 18-47d)
  5. Seed from NARGS '20/'21 exchange. Baggy 70F (29%G, 28-42d). No development
  6. Same seed as above. Dehusked with sandpaper, baggy 70F (50%G, 23-90d)
  7. Seed from '24 garden. Sandpapered down to hard round seeds, removing husks. Baggy 70F (46%G, 15-38d)

Long-viable seed. Providing a bit warmer conditions may help germination. Dark outer husk can be removed by rubbing off.

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Last modified: January 25, 2025
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