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Digitalis thapsi

Digitalis thapsi
pink foxglove
Digitalis thapsi

Common name pink foxglove
Family scrophulariaceae
Life cycle perennial
Flowers pink
Size 2 ft
Light part sun-shade
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil
From seed easy, germinates at room temperature. slow to grow in its first year, blooms second year.
detailed seed-starting info below
Seed ripensextended period, starting early July

Short-lived perennial - it survives three or four years in our garden. A lovely smaller foxglove with rose-pink flowers, the first one to bloom in our garden, in late May. Self-seeds modestly for us. Ours, grown from traded seed, feature mid-green, fairly broad leaves. When I spotted a plant with much narrower, strap-shaped leaves (labeled 'Spanish Peaks') at a local nursery, I couldn't resist trying it to see if it would perform differently. Unfortunately, it must not have liked the spot I planted it, because it didn't return the following year. One of these years...
There must be some interbreeding going on between my foxgloves, because the plants that emerge, while all featuring the same flowers, attain rather different heights (all with the same growing conditions). I'm partial to the shortest ones - a characteristic I try to preserve by collected seeds from the little gals.

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from trade. Sowed in outside pot on April 9, lots of seedlings by April 20. Seedlings were tiny, low survival rate after transplanting to garden
  2. Same seed as 2002. 90%G at 70F with light, starting 7d
  3. Seed from garden 2003. 90%G at 70F (no light), 4-8d
  4. Seed from '06 garden. Baggy 65F with light (75+%G, 5-8d)
  5. Seed from '06 garden. Baggy 70F with light (86%G, 6d)
  6. Seed from '06 garden. Baggy 70F (90%G, 5-7d)
  7. Seed from '06 garden. Baggy 70F with light (80%G, 6-8d)
  8. Seed from '06 garden. Baggy 70F with light (20%G, 8-15d)

Conclusion: easy, no light required. Stays small for a long time - start early to have decent-size plantlets by late spring.

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