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Dasylirion wheeleri

Common name sotol; desert spoon
Family asparagaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z8-11)
Flowers cream
Size 36"
Light sun
Cultural notes very well drained soil; drought-tolerant
From seed germinate at room temperature
detailed seed-starting info below

Forms a ball of narrowly strappy bluish-green evergreen leaves, with flower stalks to 8 foot tall every few years on mature plants. Probably needs protection from winter wet in Houston's climate.

Dasylirion wheeleri
Winged seed
sotol; desert spoon
Dehusked, viable seeds
I've grown this and other Dasylirions from seed obtained from exchanges. It always arrives in its fully decked-out, winged form. I've found that viable seed germinates within a few weeks, but often much of the seed isn't viable. To know up front whether you have viable seed, dehusk the seed by removing the papery wings. If you find a hard, more or less spherical particle in the middle, chances are you'll get a seedling; if there's nothing much there, or a malformed particle, don't waste your effort.

In our garden, this plant grows in the following areas: rock garden zone, left fence border, left fence nursery area

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from NARGS '18/'19 exchange. Baggy 70F (60%G, 10-12d)
  2. Same seed as above. Baggy 70F (67%G, 13-16d)
  3. Seed from NARGS '21/'22 exchange. Baggy 70F (33%G, 15-32d)
  4. Same seed as above. Baggy 70F (22%G, 14-18d
  5. Seed for 'Apache Junction' from NARGS '23/'24 exchange, started in two batches. Batch 1: seeds left in winged husks, baggy 70F (27%G, 15-27d). Batch 2: opened husks to extract spheroid seeds (perhaps 50-70% of husks contained such seeds). Baggy 70F (100%G, 4-8d)

Seems worthwhile to dehusk to determine how many likely viable seeds you have. Germination rate also seems better once husks are removed.

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Last modified: January 01, 2025
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