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Sharon (September 22, 2013)
You have a great site, very informative ... I love it here! I was looking for information on sowing Amsonia seeds, and I am so glad to have found your site. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful information.
Sara (August 10, 2013)
Awesome site! I work at a nursery in texas, love all plants :) I brought a piece of autumn joy sedum home today--that's how I found you. Enjoyed the read!
gypsy adams (August 03, 2013)
Very inspiring! Wish I lived closer so I could make it to your plant sale. I'm about to start searching for my own chippy composter!
Dejan T. (July 16, 2013)
hey rob,nice site.. ave from Macedonia
N. K. Hoffman (May 30, 2013)
Rob, thanks so much for helping me track down Phlomis russeliana. I was photographing flowers in my neighbors' gardens, and I wondered what that interesting yellow-flowered square-stemmed plant was.
Linda Anderson (May 25, 2013)
Your insight into Blue Muffin was inspirational. I will be picking up an Autumn Jazz. Computers are so wonderful for the benefit of communication and education. Thank you so much for being there for all of us. Linda
Sarah (May 17, 2013)
I just ran across your website today. It was a great help in identifying a hardy geranium in my garden that I love and want to propagate. Your site is a treasure trove of information!
Leah Miller (May 12, 2013)
Thanks for your tips on having a plant sale!! I'm organizing a fundraiser or my church & I LOVE plants. I hope these ideas will help make our first annual plant sale a huge success!!!
Maryjo Assuncao (May 11, 2013)
hello and blessings, Please putme on your e-mail list for the plant sale!

I would, if I had your email address...

chris (May 10, 2013)
How in Spring and fall do I keep care for the spiarea?what can I do to enhance it,s Beauty from year to year?
Jose U (April 30, 2013)
Rob, great works - both the garden and the website. You are no ordinary gardner.

Thanks Jose - it's good fun (both the garden and the website).

Alma (April 24, 2013)
You are mistaken about the yellow sac spider being venomous to humans. Of all recorded yss bites, none were deemed toxic and very, very few caused any tissue damage at all. It is a terrific insect predator and good to have in the garden.
Louisa Caldwell - Simmons (April 10, 2013)
Your website provide me with a wealth of ideas for my gardens. Currently, I have 18 gardens.
Casi G. (March 29, 2013)
Rob - I am so thankful that I stumbled across your website. I live in South Whitehall and am starting my first foray into the garden arena. I just built a square foot garden and am anxiously awaiting the end of frost so I can play in it. Thank you so much for all of the information on your site. It is giving me all kinds of ideas, and, because you also live in the Valley, I know these are things that I can do too (hopefully!!!)
Taylor (March 23, 2013)
I love what you do on this site! Very interesting. I'm planning on doing a plant sale for our local animal shelter, to raise donations, and needed supplies. I would love your opinion on what plants people like to buy, and some people pleaser plants! Thanks!

If you hadn't found it yet, you might find my plant sale tips page to be helpful.

Jolanda (March 19, 2013)
Hi Rob, Thank you so much for this wonderfull website. Greeting from The Netherlands! P.s. Begrijp ik dat je een Nederlandse achtergrond hebt? Kun je dit lezen? ;-) Ik heb zoveel aan je website. De zaaibeschrijvingen, de planten-info. Bedankt!

Ja hoor, ik begrijp je wel. Ik wens je een prachtige lente!

Neil (March 12, 2013)
I really enjoy your website. Meadow rues are great. We have some Fendler's meadow rue (Thalictrum fendlerii). Thanks for the site!!
Radio Gardening (February 24, 2013)
Rob: I've taken the liberty of using your fine photo of Corylopsis sinensis to support a piece about Spring Flowering Shrubs. I've linked to the picture to your blog. Please tell me if there's a problem. Good luck. Trevor

Trevor, I allow free use of my photos sometimes, depending on the use and other conditions. I do require that those who wish to use my pictures obtain permission beforehand, by contacting me using the link at the bottom of my pages. Please get in touch so that we can work things out.

Toni (February 14, 2013)
Your gardens look lovely! One question - do you have to use a lot of soaker hoses for your gardens? I spent many hours last year watering due to the extreme dry weather. I used the garden hose and watering cans mostly but I think the plants would do better if I used soaker hoses. Your thoughts?

I use soaker hoses only in my vegetable garden. I would love to have drip irrigation of some kind installed in many other areas of our garden, but I've not so far taken the initiative to do so. So I find myself lugging hoses and sprinklers around when the weather turns hot and dry.

Kim (January 15, 2013)
Hi Rob, I am 'snowed in' today so thought I would suggest a couple of possibles for you to try, although you seem pretty knowledgeable to me already. Looks like you already grow my personal 'guilty pleasure' T. diffusiflorum - I just love the grey-green foliage against the huge anemone-like blue/lilac flowers with little yellow stamens. Although I have to stake it as we have cold easterly winds here, it is worth it for its stunning beauty and I find nobody can walk past it without stopping to enjoy it. If you like white, may I suggest my favourite white variety T. aquilegiifolium v. sibiricum. Despite the name it comes from the cold mountainous area of western Japan. Large leaves and 2 metre tall strong stems topped with large flat inflorescenses of white flowers in July-Sept. Easy to grow in sun or part shade in any fertile well drained soil. If you are a fan of T. flavum....have you tried T. flavum 'Illuminator' (Yellow meadow-rue) as looks the same when flowering but early leaves and stems are striking golden yellow-green, such a treat in spring when I long for some colour. If you like the alpine group may I suggest T. ichangense v. minus 'Chinese Chintz' or 'Purple Marble' as the flowers may be insignificant but the leaves are a pretty purple with a silvery overlaid pattern. I find all the alpines a bit disappointing for flowers and quite difficult to gather seed, as one minute they are there and the next gone! Other possibles if you like T. delavayai (and who would not) are T. delavayai v. decorum as the flowers last much longer - from July to September, and white variety T. delavayai 'Album' or 'Blizzard' as the leaves are a lovely shade of yellowy-green. One of my other more delicate favourites is T. omeiense, again from China, it only gets to 40cm tall but the flowers are scented purple in bud opening to white filiform flowers - so beautiful but needs free drained soil in part to full shade. I can't resist my last suggestion T. osmundifolium (sadly nothing to do with the famous American pop group!) again from high altitudes in China and again white flowered - but well drained soil must not dry out. Sorry, this has turned out much longer than I anticipated - but I promise I wont 'comment' you again for ages. Goood luck and happy experimenting. kind regards, Kim

Thanks so much for the suggestions - I'll have to look into those!

Phyllis Churchill-Central Florida (January 14, 2013)
Great article! I am gearing up for my 2nd plant sale, probably in April. You are so right on so many things - Plant people are EARLY risers, my sale sold out in 2 hours. and they love to talk, and swap. We also have gardeners & we do plant swaps a couple times a year, so we all get new/different plants
Kim (January 14, 2013)
I have just stumbled across your fascinating website whilst researching my Thalictrum collection which I keep in my garden in Suffolk, UK. I currently grow 33 different species plus a further 32 varieties and cultivars and I have really enjoyed reading your informative page showing your successes (and temporary setbacks). I am adding you to my favourites. Congratulations on a great site (and, I suspect, a great deal of work!) Good luck for 2013.

Wow, 33 species! Any favorites that I haven't tried yet?


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Last modified: January 24, 2015
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