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Plant family: convolvulaceae


I use the GRIN online query system to determine plant families. The list below shows the plants in my database listed as members of the convolvulaceae family. Click on the botanical name of any plant to go to the plant portrait. For a list of all the plant families represented in our garden, see my families page.

Botanical name Common name Category FlowersSize
Calystegia sepium hedge bindweedperennial white/pink (summer)climbs or rambles, to 6 ft
Convolvulus arvensis field bindweedperennial white
Dichondra carolinensis Carolina ponyfootperennial green/white (spring-summer)2"
Evolvulus glomeratus dwarf morning glorytender perennial (Z8-11) blue12"
Ipomoea alba moon vine; moonflowerannual white
Ipomoea hederacea ivy-leaf morning gloryannual pale blue (summer)climber
Ipomoea hederifolia ivy-leaf morning gloryannual red (summer)vine to 10 ft
Ipomoea hederifolia var. lutea ivy-leaf morning gloryannual yellowvine to 5'
Ipomoea lacunosa whitestar; pitted morning gloryannual white (late summer)vine
Ipomoea lobata firecracker vine; Spanish flagtender perennial (Z8) red (summer)to 8'
Ipomoea nil Japanese morning glory variousvine
Ipomoea quamoclit cypress vineannual vine red
Ipomoea sloteri cardinal climberannual vine red (summer)
Ipomoea tricolor morning gloryannual various colors (summer)vine

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Last modified: December 11, 2014
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