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Seedlings new to our garden


Every year I start many of my favorite stand-bys from seed - some to replace those that inevitably bite the dust in our gardens, others for our plant sale. But the most exciting plants to start from seed are those that are new to me!

Through my seed trades and exchanges, I always wind up with lots of new things to try. The list below is a sampling of the species and varieties that will be new to our garden this year. The links lead to brief plant profiles (no pictures yet, obviously), with germination results for each variety.

If the list below looks empty, it's probably because all the current season's seedlings have already found places in the garden, and are therefore no longer 'new'.

Agave victoriae-reginae (Queen Victoria agave)
Arisaema erubescens
Aristaloe aristata
Babiana tubulosa (baboonflower)
Chamaelirium luteum (blazing star; fairy wand)
Cherleria laricifolia
Crocosmia masoniorum (giant montbretia)
Cypella herbertii (goblet flower)
Dasylirion leiophyllum 'Guadalupe' (smooth-leaved sotol, desert candle)
Deuterocohnia longipetala
Dipcadi marlothii
Diplarrena latifolia
Echinocereus rigidissimus ssp. rubispinus (rainbow hedgehog cactus; Sonoran rainbow cactus)
Geissorhiza erosa
Gossypium herbaceum (Levant cotton)
Helichrysum amorginum
Heliophila coronopifolia (blue diamonds; false blue flax)
Hormathophylla spinosa (spiny alyssum; madwort)
Hypericum graveolens (mountain St. John's wort)
Oenothera serrulata (shrubby evening primrose; toothed yellow sundrops)
Phaseolus polystachios (thicket bean, wild kidney bean)
Verbascum pyramidatum
Zephyranthes brachyandra (rain lily)
Zephyranthes lindleyana (rain lily; zephyr lily)