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Jordan Church Garden

Bill Wehr left this comment on my page about gardening in the Lehigh Valley. It was a bit too long for the comment section, so I just made a separate page for it:

You may want to check out this garden at Jordan United Church of Christ near Walbert Avenue and route 309. See the following information.

A Final Report on the Development of Jordan's Peace Garden A Peace vision for the Peace Garden Background: Over 3 years ago the cleaning up of the mess in the area of the Peace Garden began. Since the clean up work began a multi-purpose 2.5-acre garden has evolved through the efforts and talents of many people. There are some people who say that a garden is a garden. Still each person brings a different vision or perspective of the garden based on his or her interests and experiences. A major interest of mine is gardens and gardening. During my lifetime and travels, I have been fortunate enough to visit hundreds of gardens both in the US and elsewhere in the world. The gardens that I saw were in many different settings and of many different sizes. In my opinion, Jordan's Peace garden has the potential to be among the best of many of those that I have seen. I base this opinion on its design and potential mission. The Design of the garden: Jordan's Peace garden is not just any garden by design. Jordan's garden is unique based on its many characteristics. It has at least 14 beds and sections in a variety of light and soil conditions, which can accommodate many different types of plants. The design uses different terrains for functional purposes. There are a variety of structures as a part of the garden i.e. gazebo, log benches, memorial bench, swing, bridges, a cross, altars, arches, Peace sculpture, Peace pole, birdhouses and feeders. Boulder trails, Bonsai garden, holding beds, a garden shed, log benches, and 2 group seating areas. It also has memorial beds and dedicated memorials. Mission or goals:

The garden was created not to be just a garden but to be used as an additional resource for our church's ministry to individuals and to groups as follows: 1. The garden can serve the garden interests of gardeners and others who want and like to help with gardens. 2. The garden can serve the individual interests and needs of others for pleasure, prayer, meditation, and recreation. 3. The garden can be a place for group activities to serve their interests and needs for pleasure, prayer, meditation, and recreation. 4. The garden can be limited to congregational use only or to be used as tool for a wider reach out to the community and/or to our neighbors of all faiths and beliefs. 5. The garden can be used to reach out to our neighbors around the world through an Internet or website such as Gardens for Peace. 6. The garden can be used for its major purpose to honor the Prince of Peace and to promote Peace, Peace Makers and Peace Making as a primary purpose. This Peace purpose pertains to individuals, groups, community, and nations. Future direction: The Peace garden's future will depend on your vision and the use that the garden's stewards have for the garden. It can revert to being just a garden or an over grown piece of land or serve as a resource for other various uses. As stewards i.e. consistory, congregation, church group leaders, pastors, and garden caretakers you will determine the future direction that the garden takes. Will the Peace Garden be a shining lamp upon a hill or a candle hidden under a bushel? The decision is yours. Appreciation: Thanks are due to all those who helped with the clean up, the planting and care for the plants, the building of various structures, and the donors of plants and other resources used in or for the garden. I want to thank all those who supported this effort and this opportunity to be creative with this piece of God's Earth. You know who you are. As Stewards and/or Friends of the Peace Garden, I wish you well in your efforts. Peace be with you, Bill Wehr


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Last modified: April 17, 2011
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