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Garden journal entry


January 26, 2025. Since moving to the Houston area nine years ago, it's snowed twice (not counting slushy-freezy weather events), and this past week certainly qualified as the snowiest I've witnessed. The week continued the pattern of recent years where considerably colder than average freeze snaps take swipes at the Texas Gulf Coast: there was a string of five nights of freezing temperatures with a low of 20°F on Tuesday – once again threatening all those tropical plants our nurseries keep selling. I kept my protective efforts simple this year, wrapping only my lime and mandarin orange trees in protective fabric (with colorful Christmas lights underneath as a source of some warmth). Many other plants, including recently purchased ones, may have perished; I won't know for sure until signs of life present themselves (or not) in early spring. But it sure looked pretty! This photo of our backyard pond was taken while the snow was still coming down pretty hard, so we accumulated a bit more. Our dogs had never seen snow before, so they enjoyed the new experience. And by now, a few days later, the snow is all gone and we're back to typical Houston winter weather (with an overnight low of 60°F!). It's all very exciting when these cold snaps hit, but I must admit I wouldn't mind returning to a climate where it's a given that killing freezes will happen every year, and people garden accordingly...

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Last modified: September 09, 2009
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