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tangent (August 15, 2021)
Hi, just wanted to say thanks for your site, keeping it going as web pages by people for people. I forget what plant I wad originally looking for!
Beverly Howard (April 29, 2021)
I live in Austin and oddly enough ran into your site looking at iris information but I have been really enjoying your compilation on the survivors from Snowpocalypse. It has helped cheer me up to follow the posts on Austin Gardening groups about the first signs of survival. I grew up in Miami and lived for 17 years in the Los Angeles area, so Texas is the first place I lived where it froze. Our first winter here was the big freeze of 89/90 which had not been matched until Uri and that was much worse. I'm still learning about tropical and semi-tropical plants that I would not expect to live here but do come back from the roots. I'm going to give Princess Flower a try and Rangoon Creeper another try. I lost mine in the greenhouse but it might have made it if it had been in the ground. I saw a picture of one that survived in the Austin area and it wasn't even close to the house.

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Last modified: January 24, 2015
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