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The right fence border


The strip of lawn down the right side of our house is narrow – only about eight feet between the wall and the privacy fence. It is home to the air conditioning units (around which I array various garden supplies) as well as the brick-built compost bins and a plastic shed, so it has a decidedly utilitarian air. Mowing is very difficult around the concrete pad supporting the AC units, so it's also usually overgrown with lush tall grass – better not to talk about that part of the garden too much.

From aforementioned shed backwards toward the back fence, the lawn area becomes a little wider, before opening up to the backyard. This area is a little more usable for gardening, so here the fence has a continuous garden border as its companion. The stretch alongside the house is still rather utilitarian – it is a nursery area where I grow on seedlings that prefer a bit more shade (sun-loving seedlings go into the nursery areas in the left fence border). I've come to learn that this is also the drainage superhighway for the right side of the house, so despite my attempts to build up the soil level and add sand for better drainage, these nursery areas still get too wet for many plants to thrive. So I'll continue to work on that...

The nursery areas terminate about where the strip opens up to the backyard, where a jujube tree and an unruly patch of thornless blackberry dominate the picture. The border continues with mixed shrub and perennial plantings, up to the point where the rigth fence meets up with the back fence, at a corner where a live oak reigns supreme. At that point, the border seemlessly blends into the back fence border. For the purpose of keeping track of what lives where, everything planted to the right of our rock garden is assigned to the right fence border (yes, I'm very serious about my garden organization, even if Amy wishes I were more serious about managing its inhabitants).

So in all, the right fence border isn't the most exciting part of the garden, but it completes the picture, and has some interesting plants (a list of which you'll find below).

Currently growing in our right fence border

Allium texanum (Texas onion)
Cephalotaxus harringtonii (Japanese plum yew)
Cestrum aurantiacum (yellow cestrum; orange cestrum)
Clerodendrum x speciosum 'Red Wine' (bleeding heart vine; glory bower)
Cocculus carolinus (Carolina moonseed; snailseed)
Cuphea 'Vermillionaire' (firecracker plant)
Eucalyptus citriodora (lemon gum tree)
Gomphrena decumbens 'Little Grapes' (globe amaranth; airy bachelor's buttons)
Hibiscus coccineus (scarlet rose mallow)
Illicium floridanum 'Coosa Red' (Florida anise; red star anise)
Ipomoea quamoclit (cypress vine)
Iris x louisiana (Louisiana iris)
Jasminum nitidum (star jasmine; confederate jasmine)
Jasminum sambac 'Maid of Orleans' (Arabian jasmine)
Leucojum aestivum 'Gravetye Giant' (summer snowflake)
Liriope muscari (lilyturf)
Lysimachia congestiflora (creeping Jenny)
Mirabilis longiflora (angel's trumpets)
Petunia exserta
Polianthes tuberosa (tuberose)
Quercus virginiana (southern live oak)
Rivina humilis (pigeonberry; rouge plant)
Rubus fruticosus 'Ouachita' (blackberry)
Selaginella braunii (arborvitae fern)
Sphagneticola trilobata (wedelia; Singapore daisy)
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus (coralberry)
Thunbergia grandiflora (blue sky vine)
Trachelospermum jasminoides (star jasmine; confederate jasmin)
Vaccinium corymbosum (highbush blueberry)
Ziziphus jujuba 'Sihong' (jujube; Chinese date)

Currently growing in the right fence nursery area - zone A

Asclepias curassavica (tropical milkweed; bloodflower)
Bauhinia lunarioides (Anacacho orchid)
Cuphea hyssopifolia (Mexican heather)
Desmanthus illinoensis (bundleflower; prairie mimosa)
Freesia laxa 'Joan Evans'
Nandina domestica (heavenly bamboo)
Odontonema strictum (firespike)

Currently growing in the right fence nursery area - zone B

Duranta erecta (golden dewdrop, pigeonberry)
Freesia laxa 'Joan Evans'
Galphimia glauca (thryallis)
Gypsophila oldhamiana (Manchurian baby's breath)
Justicia brandegeeana (shrimp plant)

Currently growing in the right fence nursery area - zone C

Aristolochia fimbriata (white-veined pipevine)
Bauhinia lunarioides (Anacacho orchid)
Freesia laxa 'Joan Evans'
Jasminum nitidum (star jasmine; confederate jasmine)
Kniphofia hirsuta (torch lily; red hot poker)
Ruellia simplex (low-growing variety) (Mexican petunia)
Serissa japonica 'Kowloon' (tree of a thousand stars; snow-rose)
Zephyranthes citrina (rain lily)
Zephyranthes drummondii (rain lily; giant prairie lily)

Currently growing in the right fence nursery area - zone D

Albuca shawii
Aquilegia chrysantha (columbine)
Eomecon chionantha (snow poppy)
Jasminum nitidum (star jasmine; confederate jasmine)

Currently growing in the right fence nursery area - zone E

Crinum species (red bog lily)
Curcuma elata (hidden cone ginger)
Globba schomburgkii (dancing ladies ginger)
Hedychium coccineum 'Peach' (narrow-leaf ginger; hardy ginger lily)

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Last modified: May 03, 2022
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