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Plant family: euphorbiaceae


I use the GRIN online query system to determine plant families. The list below shows the plants in my database listed as members of the euphorbiaceae family. Click on the botanical name of any plant to go to the plant portrait. For a list of all the plant families represented in our garden, see my families page.

Botanical name Common name Category FlowersSize
Acalypha pendula firetail chenille; trailing red cattailperennial (Z7b-10) red8"
Acalypha virginica Virginia copperleaf; Virginia three-seed mercuryannual greenish
Acalypha wilkesiana copperleaf; Jacob's coatperennial (Z10-11) burgundyto 10'
Chamaesyce maculata spotted spurgeannual insignificantgroundhugger
Croton monanthogynus prairie tea; one-seed crotonannual white (summer)12"
Euphorbia amygdaloides wood spurgeperennial (Z6-9) 18"
Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii spurgeperennial (Z6-8) yellow (May-June)24-36"
Euphorbia corollata flowering spurge; poison spurge; prairie baby's breathperennial white (early summer)3'
Euphorbia cyathophora summer poinsettiaannual orange bracts2-3'
Euphorbia cyparissias 'Fens Ruby' cypress spurgeperennial yellow6-8"
Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' chameleon spurgeperennial yellow12"
Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow' spurgeperennial (Z6) 3'
Euphorbia hypericifolia graceful spurgeannual white (late spring-early fall)6-24"
Euphorbia marginata 'Summer Icicle' snow on the mountainannual white (summer)18-24"
Euphorbia milii crown of thornsshrub (Z9-11) redto 3'
Euphorbia myrsinites myrtle spurgeperennial yellow12"
Euphorbia nicaeensis spurgeperennial (Z5-8) yellow-green18-24"
Euphorbia polychroma cushion spurgeperennial (Z4-8) yellow bracts (spring)12-18"
Euphorbia pulcherrima poinsettiatender perennial/shrub (Z9-11) yellow, with red bractsto 10'
Euphorbia x martinii 'Ascot Rainbow' spurgeperennial (Z6-9) red20"
Jatropha podagrica Buddha belly plantperennial (Z10-11) red18-36"
Manihot grahamii hardy tapioca treeshrub/small tree (Z7-11) green (summer)12-15'
Phyllanthus urinaria chamberbitterannual white 8-28"
Ricinus communis castor beanannual/tender perennial(Z9-11) red (summer)4'-10' (depends on cultivar)

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Last modified: December 11, 2014
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