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Garden journal entry

December 24, 2024. Rob's Plants has been up and running for over 20 years now (yes, I know, it shows in the outdated design). In the early years, it was a whirlwind of activity, with multiple journal posts many weeks, and always new plants to talk about. After our move to Texas, there was a new garden to build and new plants to be excited about. But in recent years, the activity level has dropped a good bit – it turns out that the garden doesn't change as much from year to year here as it did in Pennsylvania, and many of the plants I attempt to grow from seed don't end up surviving our climate – so they don't reach a wow-inducing journal-worthy state. So judging by the number of journal posts in the past couple of years, you could be excused for believing that nothing is happening here on the gardening front, and that the website is mostly static. But that wouldn't be quite true – you just have to know where to look. When I find new critters to document (admittedly not so often now), they get added to the wildlife pages (there's an overview of the most recently added ones here). And I'm frequently tweaking individual plant pages – adding photos I've taken (some recently, but often catching up on photos taken a while back), or observations from a stroll around the garden. And in the winter season, when I'm actively starting seed, I faithfully add my germination results. I've now made it easier to find updated pages – you can find the few dozen most recently changed ones right here. Oh – and the Plantlinks part of the website is also still regularly maintained. It's one of my own go-to sources for horticultural information about specific plants, and I encourage you to take advantage of it as well!

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Last modified: September 09, 2009
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