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Garden journal entry


Habranthus robustus in full bloom in the spring garden
December 21, 2024. Back in Pennsylvania, rain lilies were an oddity I tried to grow a few times – not quite hardy in our garden, but I managed to overwinter one or two species in pots and troughs a couple of times, so I was aware of their charm. But it wasn't till I arrived in Texas and realized I could grow them out in the open garden that I became more enamored of them. Around here, they are among the few ornamental herbaceous perennials that not only reliably return year after year, but positively thrive in our hot and at times dry climate. A couple years after moving here, and after getting my first taste of their performance through my purchase of Z. 'Labuffarosea' at a local garden, I embarked on "Project rain lily" in 2018, growing as many varieties of Zephyranthes and Habranthus from seed as I could get my hands on, expecting to compose a page for Robsplants when they started to differentiate themselves. But although I've been enjoying my rain lilies and their exuberant blooms after thundershowers ever since, I did not get around to writing that page – until a week ago, when I finally set myself to it. The result is a shiny new page about my experiences with rain lilies. I admit that part of my motivation for writing these genus-focused pages is to have them for myself as a quick resource, or to force myself to do the research that I might not otherwise get around to – but I sincerely hope it comes in handy for some of you, too!

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Last modified: September 09, 2009
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