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Garden journal entry


October 20, 2019. How's this for an early Halloween picture for you? Among the various fruit trees growing in our garden, the pomegranate is one of our favorites: it has grown quickly into a medium-sized tree, and has pretty and interesting-looking flowers in summer. We saw only one fruit last year, but this year it set a good many more, so we were excited about the impending harvest. Alas, it turns out our climate isn't necessarily ideal for pomegranates, especially the harsh summer sun that can damage the growing fruits. We may try the special protective measures recommended by some (like collars to shade the fruits) next year, but this year the majority of our fruit didn't develop right (although we got some tasty seeds from some). Some of the fruit displayed their dislike of their situation by splitting open by early autumn, and inviting in the local wildlife. In this picture, I think the majority of the critters are immature milkweed assassin bugs (I should consider that as a Halloween outfit sometime!); the larger one may be some leaf-footed bug. Add some mold and toothy protrusions and you have the perfect horror movie prop!

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Last modified: September 09, 2009
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