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Garden journal entry


friendly chaos
September 14, 2007. I took the day off to putter in the garden, getting ready for the HPS/MAG tour on Sunday. This tour comes right on the heels of a multi-garden event last weekend, which started out at Nancy Ondra's magnificent garden. Even after weeks of unrelenting hot, dry weather, this sunny garden was in full bloom, each plant in its right place, nary an empty spot or a mid-season eyesore. Following such a class act felt more than a little intimidating - since our garden is full of not-so-perfect nooks and plants ramble in unruly, often self-seeded ways rather than undulating purposefully. But then, on Tuesday, we had a change of weather: a day of soaking rain, and pleasant, autumn-like weather since then. Today's overcast, decidedly cool weather was perfect for leisurely weeding while reflecting on my gardening means and methods. By day's end, I was very much at peace with our garden, warts and all - and looking forward to Sunday.

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Last modified: September 09, 2009
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