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Garden journal entry


November 26, 2017. As followers of my journal in years past may remember, I have a hard time keeping my rock garden a particular size. In Pennsylvania, I must have enlarged it a half dozen times through the years. Here in Texas, my rock garden is a silly little area for now. I haven't quite figured out what to do with it, since traditional alpines won't grow here, but it certainly provides the well-drained conditions that succulents and other xeriscape plants need. So I had stuck some aloes, sedums, ice plants, and aeoniums, along with some unidentified succulents from potted arrangements, into the small rock garden I constructed this spring, but it wasn't much to write home about.
Yesterday, Amy and I visited Peckerwood Garden, a horticultural gem just an hour's drive away, and were intrigued by the many agaves, dasylirions, kalanchoes, and other dry-climate plants featured in the garden. They had several of them on offer at their sale tables, so of course I walked out of there with a small selection. And as you might imagine, that called for the first expansion of our rock garden. This one wasn't a major project – just an extension of the left side of the rock garden into what had been lawn, filled with a fast-draining soil mix and enhanced with some rough-hewn landscaping rocks. That new area now proudly displays our new Kalanchoe tetraphylla, Dyckia, Agave lophantha 'Quadricolor', and Sansevieria concinna plants. I have a feeling this is only the first of several expansions...

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Last modified: September 09, 2009
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