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Garden journal entry


can you see that path?
May 31, 2013. Beware of scheduling a family vacation in late May. Beware even more of contracting pneumonia on said vacation, because it likely means a few days spent in the hospital looking longingly out the window, wishing you could see and tend to your garden. Because late May is when the garden explodes. Before we left on vacation, the garden was filling out nicely, but still pretty much tidy, with everything in its place. After the docs finally gave me clearance to go out and recover on my own recognizance today, a little over two weeks had passed since we lugged our suitcases out to the car and waved goodbye to the plants – and "tidy" is no longer an adjective that applies to the garden. The photo here is exhibit A: the view to the left as you step out our front door, along the path through the "lane" garden. You can see the path, right? It's just behind the Jupiter's beard, Roman shields, brown-eyed Susans, yellow corydalis, and various other enthusiastic tenants of that patch of our garden. It's paved in flat colonial stone, so that only low-growing step-on groundcovers would ooze along the spaces in between the irregular slabs. That was the plan, anyway.
So it appears I've got some work ahead of me. And the doctor just told me I had to take things easy for at least a week. I suspect I'll be somewhat non-compliant.

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