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Garden journal entry


In retrospect, it seems so obviously fake...
August 24, 2010. My rotten little eight-year old boy, that darn Ben, tricked me the other day! One evening at dusk, as I was approaching the rock garden to plant one of the perennials I had secured on my recent trip to Point Phillip Perennials, I spotted a big bug on one of the rocks. It looked unlike any critter I'd seen, with dullish yellow and green coloration. Without taking a second glance, I ran inside for my camera, eager to add a fancy new insect to my critter pages. It wasn't until I'd taken several photos that I realized this bug was awfully still, and had some odd muddy blotches. At that point, I flipped it over, to reveal a decidedly plastic underbody. There could be no doubt - this was Ben at work. He's the bugboy in the family, enjoying both live insects of all kinds and their toy counterparts. When confronted, he confessed to having dug the bug up nearby, and posed it to show off his trophy discovery. Grumble!

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