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Garden journal entry


May 27, 2007. A few hot days in a row, and the water in our big pond is quite warm - enough so that three of the waterlilies planted in the main section decided to start blooming - so far, a white one, a yellow one, and this fuchsia variety named 'Attraction', my favorite so far. You can also see how well the natural bog filtration system is keeping the water clear. We're still half-way expecting an algae bloom (especially since the plantings in the bog are still small and not very effective at removing nutrients), but are quite happy with the overall appearance of the pond. After several leaks caused by shifting of rocks through winter got fixed, it's finally all working like it should. Now if only the kids would stay off the rocks and out of the waterfall run, we could maintain that state indefinitely!

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Last modified: September 09, 2009
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